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Select Research Topics

  • Survey Design Methodology
  • Data Technology Use by Farmers
  • Cyber Security in Agriculture
  • Farmers Perceptions of Salespeople
  • Nutrient Management Practices of Illinois Farmers
  • Farmer/Consumer Behavior
  • Crop Insurance
  • New Product Development Management
  • Student Learning Styles
  • Student and Farmer Personality Traits

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(*denotes student co-author)

Tetteh, Iuliia, Aslıhan D. Spaulding, and Marina Ptukhina. (2021). Millennial Employees in the U.S. Food and Agribusiness Sector: Retention Trends and Drivers of Employee Loyalty. National Survey. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 24 (1). pp. 89-104. Published online on January 4, 2021. DOI:

Prokopy, Linda, Ben Gramig, et al. (2020). The urgency of transforming the Midwestern U.S. landscape into more than corn and soybean. Agriculture and Human Values. 37. pp. 537-539. DOI:

*Kelsey Myers, Fatima Mohammed, Justin W. Rickard, Donald E. Meyer, and Aslıhan D. Spaulding. 2018. “Unwanted Horse Population in Illinois: Perceptions of Horse Owners, Non-Horse Owners, and Equine Industry Stakeholders.” Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. October 15, 2018. DOI: 10.1080/10888705.2018.1531754

*Andrew Geil, Glen Sagers, Aslıhan D. Spaulding, and James Wolf. 2018. “Cyber Security on The Farm: An Assessment of Cyber Security Practices in the Agriculture Industry.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review: 21 (3). pp. 317 – 334. DOI: 10.22434/IFAMR2017.0045

*Lucy Loftus, Aslıhan D. Spaulding, Richard Steffen, Dave Kopsell, and Nweze Nnakwe. 2017. “Determining Barriers to Use of Edible School Gardens in Illinois.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Vol. 36. Issue.7. pp. 507-513.

Aslıhan D. Spaulding, Kerry Tudor, and Winn Mahatanankoon (2015). “The Effects of Outcome Expectations on Individual’s Anxiety and Continued Usage of Mobile Devices: A Post-adoption Study.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 18. Issue 4. pp.173-188.

Askar H. Choudhury, James R. Jones, Raquiba (Lena) Choudhury, and Aslıhan D. Spaulding (2015) “Association of Rainfall and De-trended Crop Yield Based on Piecewise Regression for Agricultural Insurance.” Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. Vol. 16. No.2. pp.34-46.

Kerry Tudor, Aslıhan D. Spaulding, Kayla Roy, Randy Winter (2014) “Analysis of Risk Management Tools Utilized by Farmers.” Agricultural Finance Review. Vol. 74. Issue 1. pp.69-86.

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