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Task 2

Now, on a second sheet of paper (with you name so you can get some credit for this exercise), answer these two questions:

  • 1. What did you consider as salient aspects of your life as you completed the first task, for instance, did you talk about whether you would have a spouse and/or partner, be married, have children; did you talk about whether your parents, siblings, other family members would still be alive; did you talk about whether you would be employed, where you would be in a career, how economically secure you might be; did you talk about achievements in life you hoped to make, where you would be at various points in your life; did you talk about your health or happiness; did you talk about other things?
  • 2. How easy or difficult did you find this task? What made it easy or difficulty?
  • (3.) You don’t need to write out your answer for this one but it might be worth considering: What was the value or purpose of this assignment? Would it ever be worth doing again, just on your own?
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