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Psy 436.02 Practicum in Clinical – Counseling Psychology


Spring 2021

“The therapist treats with respect and does not dismiss what he recognizes in the patient, even when it is inconsistent with he picture that the patient intends to present of himself or with the patient’s expectation of him. Furthermore, the therapist is will to talk to the patient about those aspects of the patient that the patient himself does not recognize and may not wish to recognize. These things alone mark the therapist’s attitude toward the patient and relationship with him as being of a special kind.”

David Shapiro (1999, p. 153)

“Human personality is more densely organized than psychoanalysis, even in its elaboration of the ego, has so far conceived it to be. It is far less a mere transmitter or simple template of its own early history than was thought.”

David Shapiro (1999, p. 177)

Articles on violence/assault toward therapists

Web References

General References


Psychology 436.02: Clinical-Counseling Practicum

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Special Topics


Fudge, R.C. (1999). Is There a Commitment By AABT to Include Ethnic, Cultural, and Other Demographic Variables? The Behavior Therapist. 22, 202-203.

Iwanasa, G.Y. (1999). Behavior Therapy and Asian Americans: Is There a Commitment? The Behavior Therapist. 22, 196-197, 205-206.

Iwanasa, G.Y. (1999). Behavior Therapy and Cultural Diversity: Is There a Commitment? The Behavior Therapist. 22, 193.

Martell, C.R. (1999). Behavior Therapy and Sexual Minorities: Thoughts on Progress and Future Directions. The Behavior Therapist. 22, 194-195.

Preciado, J. (1999). Behaivor Therapy’s Commitment to Cultural Diversity: The Case of Hispanics. The Behavior Therapist. 22, 199-200, 207.

Reis, B. F., & Brown, L. G. (2006). Preventing therapy dropout in the real world: The clinical utility of videotape preparation and client estimate of treatment duration. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37, 311-316.

Safren, S.A. (1999). Selected Issues: Facing Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Graduate Students in Clinical Psychology Training. The Behavior Therapist. 22, 189-192.

Seiden, D. (1999). The Effect of Research on Practice in Cross-Cultural Behavior Therapy: A Single Case Study (You’re the Case). The Behavior Therapist. 22, 200-201.

Suinn, R.M. (1999). Is There a Commitment: Discussion. The Behavior Therapist. 22, 204.

Teicher, M. H., Samson, J. A., Polcari, A, & McGreenery, C. E. (2006). Sticks, stones, and hurtful words: Relative effects of various forms of childhood maltreatment. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 993-1000.

Wolfson, A.R. (1999). Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Is it Working for Women? The Behavior Therapist. 22, 197-199.

Young, J.F., Mufson, L., Dvies, M. (2006). Impact of Comorbid Anxiety in an Effectiveness Study of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45(8), 904-?.

Zanarini, M.C., Frankenburg, F.R., Hennen, J., Reich, D.B., Silk, K.R. (2006). Prediction of the 10-year course of borderline personality disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(5), 827-832.

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