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Turn in assignment #2

list of five things you would like to learn in this class this semester

Now, what would be the purpose of an assignment like this?

And, why have an assignment like this in our Psychology of Motivation class?

Why would having students make of list of outcomes they wanted in a coure improve learning outcomes and/or satisfaction with the course?

  • Dr. Reeve: activate intrisic motivation
  • Dr. B.F. Skinner: irrelevant, you have specified the stimulus/environemental conditions that lead to your desired outcome
  • Dr. Bandura: increase self-efficacy (Dr. DeCharmes: Origin status; Dr. A. Beck: mastery)
  • Dr. Locke: set goal
  • Dr. House (on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays): I don’t care, my students (clients) are happier and doing better in my course (but then there is the question: will this work for the next class/client, how about graduate students, high school students, psych majors, math majors, nontraditional [old] students, students with learning disabilities, etc.)
  • others.

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