Opening/closing sequence of sessions with respect to assignments
- Open ended inquiry into client’s situation:
- How did your week go?
- If significant issues/developments are reported, these can be acknowledged and deferred to later in the session (Important to follow through on this promise)
- Inquiry regarding any homework:
- Attend, at least briefly, to any results; if fuller analysis/discussion is delayed to later, make sure this happens
- Inquire into any problems in carrying out assignment(s)
- Problem solve any difficulties
- Consider lesions learned from homework
- Move into work of session
- Summarize/have client summarize session & seek client response
- Outline plan for next session & seek client response
- Review any homework assignments
- Be respectful of client’s time and the multiple demands of their life
- Clarify purpose of homework
- Have client restate what they are to do
- Ask client to anticipate any problems which might interfere with carrying out assignment
- Clarify any records which are to be produced
- Give/have client make/give client instructions regarding any record procedures