True ………. False
- Depression is the most common psychological problem of adolescence.
- Despite girls higher rates of depression, more teenage boys kill themselves than teen age girls.
- Among girls, but not boys, being in a clique predicts academic and social competence.
- Teenagers tend to stress intimacy, mutual understanding, and loyalty in their friendship relationships.
- Gender intensification refers to increased gender stereotyping of attitudes and behaviors and movement toward more traditional gender roles.
- Autonomy refers to a sense of oneself as a separate, self-governing individual.
- Years of schooling is a powerful predictor of movement to Kohlberg’s State 4 or higher.
- Individuals at Kohlberg’s postconventional level move beyond unquestioning support for their own society’s rules and laws.
- At the preconventional level of Kohlberg’s theory, morality is externally controlled.
- Erikson called the psychological conflict of adolescence identity vs. role confusion.