To facilitation bookkeeping: put Assignment #’s on papers your turn in; put chapter #’s on questions you turn in.
303 Units
The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between the profusion of the earth and the galaxy of the stars, but that in this prison we can fashion images of ourselves sufficiently powerful to deny or nothingness. (Malraux 1992)
Organization of our class
- Unit 1: themes and issues
- Unit 2: models of development
- Unit 3: research in adult dev and aging
- Unit 4: physical changes
- Unit 5: health
- Unit 6: information processing, attention, memory
- Unit 7: language, problem solving, intelligence
- Unit 8: personality
- Unit 9: relationships
- Unit 10: adjustment
- Unit 11: work, retirement, leisure
- Unit 12: mental health
- Unit 13: long-term care
- Unit 14: death & dying
- Unit 15: successful aging
(updated 11-11-13)
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