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A perspective on your life

Take two sheets of paper

  • On the first put down your current decade, e.g. 20-29, and then the decades after that through 99: 20-29, 30-39, etc.
    • For each decade of your life, write a few sentences reporting your anticipation of what you life might be like then, where you see yourself as being at that stage/period of your life.
      • None of us can really predict the future, but most of us have anticipations, expectations, wishes; this is what I want you to think about and write down.
      • I believe you will find this more meaningful if you take it seriously and don’t let your imagination run wild (“after I solve the population problem and end world hunger, my next Nobel prize will be in . . . .”; while I seriously hope some of your will help end hunger in our world, flights of fancy isn’t what I’m after here, unless you are seriously committed to a certain life path, if you do plan to make it your mission to accomplish something, put that down.), try to focus on what you really expect/hope might be the case in your life at each period.
    • 20-29, e.g., “In my twenties I’ll be . . . .”
    • 30-39 e.g., “By the time I’m in my thirties I’ll probably . . . .”
    • 40-49 e.g., “At this point in my life I imagine . . . .”
    • Don’t worry if some of this information is pretty personal, you won’t be turning it in, but I do want you to concretely formulate and write it down, as a basis for doing the second part of the assignment (which you will turn in).
  • On the second sheet of paper (the one you will turn in), put you name and answers to two questions:
  • don’t start on task 2 until you have the first task done
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