Information processing
- information-processing approach uses a computer metaphor (caution about analogies/metaphors/models): information is imputed, transformed, coded, stored, acted on
- information-processing model rests on three assumptions (Neisser, 1976)
- 1. people are active participants in the process
- information is transformed based on what you already know about it
- 2. both quantitative (how much info is remembered) and qualitative (what kinds of info are remembered) can be studied
- there are age difference in both how much and what types of data are remembered best under various conditions
- 3. information is processed through a series of stages/processes
- brief sensory memory and attention
- active processing that transfers data into longer term storage
- retrieval mechanisms
- decision making/planning/problem solving mechanisms
- 1. people are active participants in the process
- Sensory stimuli/experience
- Sensory memory: immediate, almost eidetic representation (perception) in brain
- large capacity, very short term representation
- Speed of processing: how quickly and efficiently these early steps in information processing are completed (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2006, p. 189)
- Information processing changes with age
- reaction times slow as we age
- wide individual differences
- degree of decrement usually small (until very advanced age)
- very robust finding
- Why do we slow with advancing age?
- general slowing hypothesis: general decline in information processing speed in aging brain
- Timothy Salthouse (1996, 2000; Kail & Salthouse, 1994): processing speed theory of adult age differences in cognition (fluid intelligence)
- much experimental date supports this position, although there remains questions as to whether cognitive speed can account for all individual differences (Bors & Forrin, 1995)
- changes in white matter (axional connections) may be one contributing factor (Ylikoski et. al, 1993) to changes in attention and processing speed
- age-complexity hypothesis: age differences increase with task complexity
- Cerella, Poon, & Williams (1980) published influential study suggesting that cognitive slowing differences between younger and older adults were associated with complexity of task
- methodological issues regain a challenge to sorting out our clearest answers to these questions
- general slowing hypothesis: general decline in information processing speed in aging brain
- reaction times slow as we age
- attention governs information flow within other cognitive domains
- attentional processes facilitate, enhance, or inhibit other cognitive processes
- attention leads to orientation toward particular stimuli or responses (and away from others)
- There can be compertition in our brains between two different attentional processes:
- Bottom-Up Attention: rapid, demanding, not consciously controlled; survival oriented; almost instantly captures our attention; automatically driven by sensory stimuli and contextual cues
- Top Down Attention: effortful, deliberate, conscious: when we direct our focus on a work task; top-down attention reflects our setting our objectives and focusing on them
- “Top-down and bottom up attentions are both essential to survival, and so is the balance between them. If we had no top-down attention, we couldn’t focus on important goals. But without bottom-up, we wouldn’t be alerted to new stimuli, including danger. Imagine a caveman being so focused on building a fire that he never heard the lion coming through the bushes.” (Richtel, 2014,p. 106)
- sensory selective attention: selection of salient sensory information for further processing
- sustained attention (concentration): maintenance of attention over time to stimuli or task
- freedom from distraction: inhibition of competing signals
- Four components of attention (Cohen, Malloy, Jenkins, Paul, 2006)
- SENSORY SELECTIVE ATTENTION: tends to be automatic
- filtering: sensitivity or preferences guild perceptual processes
- enhancement: attentional readiness and expectancy increases focus
- disengagement: attentional shift requires reallocation and requires processing resources
- RESONSE SELECTION AND CONTROL: (intention): facilitation of action through selective attention and control of behavioral responding; tend to be effortfull
- readiness: mediated by arousal and reinforcement history
- expectancy: that a response will be needed at a particular time
- anticipatory response: preparatory responses
- executive functions are linked to response selection
- intention: processes leading to response set and preparation
- initiation: processes that start a response
- generative capacity: processes that facilitate production of a response
- persistence: processes that enable sustained responding
- inhibition: processes that prevent or enable cessation of the response
- switching: processes that enable a shift from one response to another
- focused attention controls the intensity and scope of attentional allocation, thus the cognitive resources directed at a particular task
- focus is also a function (is influenced/controlled by or limited by) of processing capacity
- attention capacity reflects both motivational and inherent capacity of the system (brain)
- motivational (state or situational variables)
- arousal
- reinforcement value
- expectation of reinforcement
- factors intrinsic to the individual (trait variable)
- individual differences in mental abilities
- significant variability across people
- motivational (state or situational variables)
- automatic versus controlled processing
- attention may be elicited automatically by some environmental cues; and, once learned, some behaviors require minimal attentional capacity
- automaticity refers to capacity to attend to and perform certain operation with minimal effort and without need for active direction
- intentional focus to task usually results in reduced automaticity
- once learned a task requires less working memory and reduced controlled effortful processing (conscious)
- effortful processing, which requires more attentional capacity, usually shows greater age effects in testing results (Hertzog, 2008)
- maintenance of optimal performance over time requires sustained attention
- vigilance is a form of sustained attention in which there need for a high level of anticipatory readiness for low-probability targets or stimulus events (flight controllers, standing guard, fishing)
- sustained attention is a function of task duration (any task can be prolonged until failure occurs), target-distractor ratio (more difficult with rare target events), effortfulness of task (demand for high level of focus are more difficulty to sustain), organism characteristics (arousal, motivation, capacity)
- Attentional changes with age
- attentional performances/capabilities decline with advancing age
- wide individual differences
- very robust finding
- Why does attentional capacity change with age?
- attentional resources theory: aging reduces available cognitive resources
- inhibitory deficit hypothesis: aging rduces ability to tune out irrelevant information
- context processing deficiency hypothesis: aging reduces the ability to tke context into account
- Limits of our attention
- the invisible gorilla tapes
- texting and driving
- attentional performances/capabilities decline with advancing age
- Memory: the recall of things past
- encoding (learning): how information is entered into the memory system
- storage: how information is kept or represented in memory
- retrieval: how information is accessed or gotten out of memory when needed
- Three-stage mode lof memory
- Three-stage model of memory
- Sensory storage: sensory stores or buffers [less than a second to seconds]
- forgetting results from: decays
- Short term memory: conscous awareness of recently perceived events [seconds to minutes; up to 30 seconds]
- requires attention to shift from sensory buffer
- forgetting results from: displacement
- limited capacity: G.A. Miller (1956) & “the magic number seven plus or minus two”
- some investigators devide short-term memory into “primary memory” [passive storage in same form it was received in] and “working memory [active processing of information]
- Long term memory: evants that have left consciousness but can be retrieved [minutes to hours to decades]
- requires rehearsal and elaboration to shift from short term memory
- forgetting results from: interference
- Sensory storage: sensory stores or buffers [less than a second to seconds]
- Three-stage model of memory
- Working memory: active process which houses and operates on information to deal with a need or challenge/problem (making a decision, learning new information, directing an action); memory tasks which require working with a lot of information at once; active and simultaneous processing and storing of information [some authors include this as part of short term memory]
- Baddeley’s (2001) model of working memory:
- Long-term memories
- Explicit Memory (declarative memory): conscious memories, you know and know that you know
- episodic memory: memory for past events
- semantic memory: language coded memories–word knowledge, facts, ideas
- demand memory (point retrival): word finding, name finding
- remote memory: memories from the distant past
- source memory: recall of contextual information; how did you learn, how do you know this?
- autobiographical memory: recollection of your personal history
- prospective memory: recall of events which need to be performed in the future/recall in the present of actions you decided to perform in the past
- flashbulb memory: recall of dramatic/highly emotional or meaningful events from your life
- short-term memory: recall of information from the near past
- visual-spatial or nonverbal memory: recognition or duplication of designs, movements, spatial orientations
- Implicit Memory (non-declarative memory): retrieval of information without conscious or intentional recollection
- procedural memory: remembering how to perform a skill you have learned
- priming effects: prior exposure to a stimulus makes it a more likely response (and may underlie some unconscious emotional responses)
- sentence completion tasks, such as: “Say the first word that comes to mind to complete this word: ‘con____'”; prior exposure to material showing the word “contest” versus “contract” influences the likelihood of the responses (Zacks et al., 2000)
- Assessment of memory
- recall: retrieval of previously learned information “without hints or cues”: “What is the capital of . . . . ?”, “What is that person’s name?”
- What counts as “hints or cues”
- task characteristics
- contextual information
- recognition: selection of the previously learned information from among a group: “Aren’t you in my Adult Development class?”, “What brand of butter was it that my partner asked me to bring home for dinner?”
- distractors or foils
- context again
- performance effects: “Lets see if I remember how to do this.”
- recall: retrieval of previously learned information “without hints or cues”: “What is the capital of . . . . ?”, “What is that person’s name?”
- Explicit Memory (declarative memory): conscious memories, you know and know that you know
- Memory changes with age
- some memory performances decline more with advancing age, some memory performances are relative stable (until very advanced age and/or dementing disease)
- relative “hold” memories
- semantic memory (but younger subjects may tend to remember more details)
- procedural memory
- implicit memory (maybe, some conflict in literature)
- autobiographical memory (events but not sequence)
- flashbulb memory (but even these recollections can be influenced)
- relative “don’t hold” memories
- episodic memory
- source memory (often lost)
- point ret rival (visual naming, immediate situational demands)
- prospective memory
- relative “hold” memories
- Why do memory performances change (or not change) with age?
- attentional changes (storage problems–learning problems)
- learning changes (storage problems–learning problems)
- shift to less efficient encoding strategies (conceptual grouping, rehearsal)
- retrieval changes (interference problems)
- false memories
- expectance/belief changes (psychological issues): “memory controllability”–beliefs about our memory and/or aging effects on memory
- “I don’t think you can, I don’t think you can, I don’t think you can . . . . you can’t!”
- “I don’t think I can, I don’t think I can, I don’t think I can . . . . I can’t!”
- Enhancement of memory
- trait and state aspects of learning and recall
- trait: individual differences
- trait: modestly stable
- trait: clearly influenced by general health, exercise, diet, mental activity
- state: influenced by motivation, arousal, current health, emotional state (anxiety, depression)
- state: influenced by expectation, belief, social variables (stereotype thre
- systematic training
- programs designed to improve memory in older adults do produce improved memory performance
- both objective memory performance (.73 standard deviations: greater than rest [.38] or placebo [.37], meta-analysis by Verhaeghen, Marcoen, & Goosens (1992)
- and person’s subjective evaluation (approximately .2 standard deviations, meta-analysis by Floyd & Scogin (1997)
- no one type of training is superior (Verhaghen et al., 1992; Rasmusson et al., 1999)
- often use visual association with locations (loci method) or words (peg word method)
- these techniques have been used by orators since ancient Roma (and possibly before)
- no evidence that “general purpose memory” improved by these training methods; they work by teaching strategies used for remembering and retrieving specific information, not by affecting general processing speed or neuroplasticity
- programs designed to improve memory in older adults do produce improved memory performance
- trait and state aspects of learning and recall
- some memory performances decline more with advancing age, some memory performances are relative stable (until very advanced age and/or dementing disease)
Long-Term Memory
- Declarative (Explicit)
- conscious recall of facts & events
- based on context of experience
- requires representational storage
- medial temporal lobe
- hippocampal system
- Non-Declarative (Implicit)
- collection of abilities (action system)
- unconscious, inflexible, outside of awareness
- Skills & Habits
- striatum
- Priming
- neocortex
- Classical Conditioning (Respondent)
- emotional responses
- amygdala
- skeletal responses
- cerebellum
- Nonassociative learning
- reflex pathways