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Review questions

Review questions for test #1


Our test #1 has 5 pr 6 short answer questions and a number of multiple choice questions based on the first five chapters of Dr. Reeve’s text and my lectures on these topics.

  1. Briefly explain the difference between the reliability and validity of experimental findings.
  2. Briefly describe these three approaches to research: observation, correlational, experimental.
  3. What is the problem with inferring causality from correlational date?
  4. What are the potential limitations of knowing that a set of experimental results are “statistically significant?”
  5. How does your text author distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
  6. What does your text author see as the problem with extrinsic motivation?
  7. What problems lead to motivational theorists turning away from early instinct theories?
  8. What problems lead to motivation theorists turning away from early drive theories?
  9. How would your instructor characterize the general nature of the dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the ventral-medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)?
  10. What does your instructor see as the difficulty with simple explanations of brain functioning?
  11. What is the basic idea of homeostasis as a motivational construct?
  12. How would your author define an incentive?
  13. How would you define negative reinforcement?
  14. What could lead to escape and avoidance behavior?
  15. What is the effect of extinction?
  16. What are the functional aspects of extrinsic events in Deci & Ryan’s cognitive evaluation theory?
  17. How does your author define Internalization?
  18. How does your author define amotivation?
  19. What is a drive?
  20. How doe needs differ from one another?
  21. What is homeostasis?
  22. What are extraorganismic mechanisms with respect to needs?
  23. How does a negative feedback system regulate needs?
  24. What influences hunger?
  25. What is the glucostatis hypothesis?
  26. What facial features do men/women associate with physical attractiveness?
  27. Why do people fail to self-regulate bodily appetites?
  28. How would you characterize the subcortical brain?
  29. What is the importance of the hippocampus?
  30. What is the importance of the reticular formation?
  31. What is the importance of the hypothalamus?
  32. What is the importance of the amygdala?
  33. What are the effects associated with Oxytocin?
  34. What are the effects associated with Testosterone?
  35. What was the first “grand theory of motivation” according to your author?
  36. What did motivation concept was associated with Darwin’s biological determinism and the study of inherited behavior in animals?
  37. What followed the decline of drive theory as a possible grand theory replacement?
  38. What are the stages of Khun’s  paradigm theory of science?
  39. What motivation theories are associated with:  Descartes, Freud, Hull, Skinner, Darwin?
  40. What are emotion according to your author?
  41. What does amotivation affect in day-to-day functioning?
  42. What types of measures can be used to study motivation?
  43. How does your text discuss internalization?
  44. How would you describe operant conditioning?
  45. What is the most important environmental influence on drinking?
  46. What event would most likely increase or intensity hunger?
  47. What brain structure controls the autonomic nervous system?
  48. What brain structure regulates emotions involved in self-presevation, such as anger, fear, anxiety?
  49. What brain structure controls the pituitary gland?
  50. What structure plays a key role in arousal and alertness?
  51. How are Plato and Freud’s view of motivation similar?
  52. How does your text describe a grand theory of motivation?
  53. Why did instinct fail as a grand theory of motivation?
  54. How does your text discuss different aspects of engagement?
  55. How do theories help researchers?. Can theories of motivation be used to recommend practical application that benefit people’s lives?
Review questions for test #2


Our test #2 has56 short answer questions worth 20 points each qusetions drawn from five chapters (6, 7, 16, 8, 9 )and our discussion of this material.

  1. What does Dr. House mean when he refers to the idea of a “deep structure” of human motivation”
  2. What does Dr. Reeve believe the deep structure of human motivation is (What does he believe the basic psychological needs are)?
  3. How does the idea of an “adaptive uncounscious” contrast with Freud’s view of the unconscious?
  4. Distinguish between implicit and explict motivations.
  5. What are agreed upon features of conscious thought?
  6. Distinguish between Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2.
  7. Distinguish between goals and values.
  8. Explain TOTE
  9. What is delay discounting?
  10. What is Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy?
  11. How does your text describe the relationship between goal difficulty and motivation?
  12. What is goal disengagement?
  13. How does the idea of “psychological needs” differ from “physiological needs”?
  14. Distinguish between discrepancy reuction and discrepancy creation.
  15. Distinguish between deliberative and implemental mindsets.
  16. Distinguish between promotion and prevention mindsets.
  17. Distinguish between growth and fixed mindsets.
  18. What are four way to reduce cognitive dissonacne?
  19. How would Dr. Reeve differentiate between a need for competence and a need for power.
  20. What does Dr. Reeve mean by a, “mindset?”
  21. How do plans affect motivations.
  22. According to reactance theory, why do people do percisely the opposite of whta they are told to do?
  23. Why do value interventions work only conditionally for some people but not for all.
  24. What is an efficacy expectation?
  25. Distinguish between efficacy expectations and outcome expectations.
  26. What causes learned helplessness?
  27. How do depressed and nondepressed people differ in estimating how much control they have over situations?
  28. What is an explanatory style?
  29. Distinguish between deliberative and implemental mindsets.
  30. Distinguish between promotion and prevention mindsets.
  31. Distinguish between fixed and growth mindsets.
  32. What is cognitive dissonance?
  33. How does cognitive dissonance affect motivation?
  34. Why does Reeve equate System 1 with the limbic system and System 2 with the cortex?
Review questions for test #3


Our test #3 has 5 short answer questions worth205 points each drawn from five chapters (10, 12, 13, 14, 15) and our discussion of this material.

  1. Contrast Dr. Panksepp’s and Dr. Barrett’s view of emotions
  2. Describe the actualizing tendency
  3. What is the difference between a deficiency need and a growth need?
  4. What are conditions of worth?
  5. What is the difference between efficacy expectations and outcome expectations?
  6. What is theorized to cause learned helplessness?
  7. What is a pessimistic explanatory style?
  8. How does reactance theory explain why some people do exactly the opposite of what they are told to do?
  9. What is the difference between emotion and mood?
  10.  What beneficial purpose might sadness serve?, anger?, disgust?, joy?, fear?
  11. What are the five emotion regulation strategies your text discusses?
  12. Discuss how a biological versus a cognitive perspective might answer the question of: How many emotions are there
  13. How do fear and anxiety differ?
  14. What are the differences between sadness and depression?
  15. What is the dual motivation theory of shame?
  16. How do shame and guilt differ?
  17. What is emotional knowledge?
  18. What is the James-Lange theory of emotion?
  19. What is the weak version of the facial feedback hypothesis of emotion?
  20. What is Lazarus’ appraisal theory of emotion?
  21. What is “failure as a challenge”?
  22. What antecedent most strongly determines the strength of a person’s efficacy expectation?
  23. What is an outcome expectation?
  24. A strong sense of efficacy leads to what in the face of stress and difficulty?
  25. The cognitive foundation underlying personal empowerment is?
  26. What results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable?
  27. What is a contingency?
  28. What is a pessimistic explanatory style?
  29. What is a mastery motivational orientation?
  30. What is a reactance motivational orientation?
  31. An illusion of control attributional phenomenon foster what outcome?
  32. How is value defined?
  33. What does expectancy predict? What does value predict?
  34. What does your text give as the four components of emotion?
  35. What does your text conclude regarding the cognition vs. biology debate on emotion?
  36. What are criterion advanced as identify an emotion as a basic emotion?
  37. What is the first opportunity to control an emotion?
  38. What are the emotion regulation strategies discussed in your text?
  39. What is the least effective emotion regulation strategy discussed in your text?
  40. What are criticisms of the James-Lange theory of emotion?
  41. What is the facial feedback hypothesis?
  42. What is Lazarus’ concept of primary appraisal? Secondary appraisal?
  43. What is emotional knowledge? Emotional complexity?
  44. What is emotional contagion?
  45. According to your text, what is the most frequent source of a person’s day-to-day emotions?
  46. What leads to fear, anger, disgust, contempt, envy, guilt, shame?
  47. What is Schadenfreude?
  48. Your text suggest what as the essential question for those who study positive psychology?
  49. What is a causality orientation?
  50. What was the central focus/virtue pursued in Victor Frankle’s logotherapy?
  51. What is the concept of the organismic valuing process?
  52. What guided self-actualization in Roger’s model?
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