- Fibromyalgia
- as hysteria, as a psychiatric condition, as an autoimmune disorder
- Pain
- acute pain
- chronic pain
- Gate Control Theory
- Melzack & Wall (1965)
- Melzack (1968): pain is a multidimensional complex with numerous sensory, affective, cognitive, and evaluative components
- pain as a complex phenomenon
- pain and suffering
- depression
- life satisfaction
- Beck’s theory of depression
- negative views of self, world, future
- behavioral theories of depression
- decreased reinforcement seeking behavior
- ACT theories of suffering
- wanting the world to be other than it is
- the opposite of depression is not happiness but engagement with life
- Fibromyalgia again, and arthritis and other chronic pain conditions: How do we help?
- compassion, empathy, time
- the role of techniques
- What is the goal?