Spring 2017
E.B. Foa, E.A. Bembree, & B.O. Rothbaum (2007). Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD: Emotional processing of traumatic Experiences. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
P.A. Resick & M.K. Schnicke (1996). Cognitive Processing Therapy for Rape Victims: A treatment manual. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Course schedule
- 1-17-17 orientation
- 1-19 Dr. House: going to court
- 1-24 Dr. House: trauma I
- 1-26 Dr. Lamb: resumes, interviews, jobs
- 1-31 Dr. House: supervision
- 2-2 Nicole: case
- 2-7 Ashley: case
- 2-9 Hannah: case
- 2-14 Dr. Renee Tobin: treatment of children, play therapy
- 2-16 Kiera Dymit, former CC student: life after graduate school, LCPC exam
- 2-21 Dr. Karla Doepke: treatment of children
- 2-23 mental health day
- 2-28 Meghan: case
- 3-2 Jaime: case
- 3-7 Dr. Gina Meyer: treating loss and grief
- 3-9 Alleana: case
- spring break
- 3-21 Holly: case
- 3-23 Stacy Parton, former Clinical student: complex trauma
- 3-28 Jackie: case
- 3-30 Ryan: case
- 4-4 Kailey: case
- 4-6 Rawan: case
- 4-11 Dr. House: coping skills for depression, anger, anxiety
- 4-13 Dr. House: suicide: attempts, completion, prevention
- 4-18 Dr. House: treating trauma II
- 4-20 Dr. Lamb: psychotherapy integration
- 4-25 Dr. House: transference/countertransference
- 4-27 Dr. House: therapist self-disclosure, community participation
- 5-2 class: structuring session; share day
- 5-4 Wrap-Up with CCCC
Our schedule (except for visitors) is flexible: discussion of emergent issues from your practicum placements is often mentioned by graduating students as one of the most valuable aspects of practicum. We will work to make time and opportunities to deal with issues/challenges/interesting cases and experiences.
When you present a case: please make sure that everyone has a copy of the case presentation material in time to have read it before our class.
Contact Information
Dr. House
DeGarmo 419
Phone: (309) 438-8508
Office hour: Tues & Thurs 8:30-9:20 and by appointment
Class Time: 9:35-10:50 Tuesday & Thursday
Classroom: DeGarmo 39
Course Objectives
Review professional, applied, theoretical, ethical, and practical issues in the provision of psychological counseling and psychotherapy in community, agency, and institutional settings.
Course Expectations
Students in Practicum in Clinical-Counseling Psychology (PSY 436.02) are preparing for their participation in applied professional psychology. You are expected to take an active role in your own education. The knowledge and skills you acquire in the course will influence your work with clients. I expect you to work at learning everything you can to more effectively serve your clients; and through this, your profession. You may wish to review my philosophy of education at my web page.
Attendance and participation in activities 80%
Feedback from practicum placement 20%
Ongoing placement in a practicum site approved by the Clinical-Counseling Coordinating Committee is a requirement for taking Psy 436.02.
Class attendance is necessary baring extraordinary circumstances and is an element in the 80% class participation grading. See the class web page for the link to Grading Attendance and Participation.
Case study material may be used in portions of the course. While this material has been altered to maintain the confidentiality of clients, it has the appearance of actual case material and will be treated as if it were case material. Students are expected to maintain close personal control of any case material taken from the class. Failure to do so may result in removal from the class and a failing grade. All case study materials will be returned to the presenter unless permission to retain it is secured from both the presenter and Dr. House.
Students in this course are expected to take an active role in their education and preparation for professional practice in human service careers. Please have the reading assignment(s) completed before the material is being covered in class, so that you can take a meaningful part in the course. Please have case presentation materials ready to distribute the class before you are scheduled to present.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to abide by the ISU Code of Conduct. Instances of cheating and willful academic dishonesty will result in referral to the appropriate University office for disciplinary action and will result in a grade of “F” for the course. Other behavior inconsistent with the APA Code of Ethics will be dealt with on a case-by-case manner, in consultation with other members of the Clinical-Counseling Coordinating Committee, in a manner consistent with the spirit of the APA Code of Ethics.
Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853 (voice) or 438-8620 (TDD).