- What does it mean to be human? attitudes, values, and your purpose in life
- Bill, another old story
- Rights and responsibilities
- sex, reproduction, marriage
- property, making bad choices, dangers
- Talking to people who are different than you.
- Words: idiot, mental defective, mentally retarded, intellectually disabled
- How do you know you have been heard?
- Who do you serve?
- competency, guardianship, power of attorney
- first do no harm
- stay abreast of current knowledge
- Trisomy 21: parental nondisjunction, imprinting, Alzheimer’s disease
- consider some personal effort to broaden your experience
- stay abreast of current knowledge
Arciniegas, D.B. & Beresford, T.P. (2001). Neuropsychiatry: An introductory approach. NY, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Cathy Crimmins (2001). Where Is the Mango Princess? NY, NY: Knopf Doubleday.
Flynn, J.R. (2009). What Is Intelligence? NY, NY: Cambridge University Press.
(2012). Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century. NY, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Nell, V. (2000). Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Assessment: Theory and practice. Mahwah, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
T.A. Salthouse (2010). Major Issues in Cognitive Aging. NY, NY: Oxford University Press