Fall 2014
“Perhaps, if we speak with rigorous exactness, no human mind is in its right state. There is no man whose imagination does not sometimes predominate over his reason, who can regulate his attention wholly by his will, and whose ideas will come and go at his command. No man will be found in whose mind airy notions do not sometimes tyrannize, and force him to hope or fear beyond the limits of sober probability. All power of fancy over reason is a degree of insanity; but while this power is such as we can control and repress, it is not visible to others, nor considered as any depravation of the mental faculties: it is not pronounced madness but when it comes ungovernable, and apparently influences speech or action.”
Dr. Samuel Johnson, cited in H. Bloom, 2004
“The second day of my internship in pediatrics I went with my senior resident to tell some young parents that the automobile accident from which they had escaped without a scratch had killed their only child. Very new to this doctor thing, when they cried, I cried with them. After it was over, the resident took me aside and told me that I had behaved very unprofessionally. ‘Those people are counting on our strength.’ he said, I had let them down. I took this criticism very much to heart. By the time I was a senior resident, I hadn’t cried in years. During that [senior residency year] a two-year-old baby, left unattended only for a moment, drowned in a bathtub. We fought to bring him back but after an hour we had to concede defeat. Taking the intern with me, I went to tell these parents that we had not been able to save their child. Overwhelmed, they began to sob. After a time, the father looked at me standing there, strong and silent in my white coat, the shaken intern by my side. ‘I’m sorry, Doctor,’ he said, ‘I’ll get ahold of myself in a minute.’ I remember this man, his face wet with a father’s tears, and I think of his apology with shame. Convinced by then that my grief was a useless, self-indulgent waste of time, I had made myself into the sort of person to who one could apologize for being in pain.”
(Remen, 1996, pp. 53-54)
Course Objectives
Advanced Psychopathology and Mental Health Diagnosis (Psy 468) is intended to give the student a working knowledge of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition, Tex Revision (DSM-IV-TR) of the American Psychiatric Association (2000). Facility with the DSM-IV diagnostic system and the accompanying ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 codes is an essential skill in most mental health settings and many other educational and human service agencies. The course is designed to give the student both conceptual and practical understanding of how to use DSM-IV to categorize human cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and relationship problems; how to support these categorizations; and how to effectively communicate this understanding.
Course Expectations
Students in Advanced Psychopathology (Psy 468) are graduate students, usually within applied professional areas. You are expected to take an active role in your own education. For most of you the knowledge and skills you acquire in the course will be or already is put into use every working day as you deal with clients. A hard reality is that other people will probably bare the burden of your limitations. I expect you to work at learning everything you can to more effectively serve your clients, and through this your profession.
To every cow its calf; to every book it copy
Sean Gaffney & Seamus Cashman, Ed.s (1974, p. 59). Proverbs & Sayings of Ireland. New York: MJF Books.
“This proverb is King Diarmuid’s famous judgement, given about 560 a.d., on the ownership of a manuscript copy made by St Colmcille of a manuscript belonging to St Finnian. It must be one of our first copyright laws.” p. 94
Last update 8-25-11
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