- I: Standards of Abnormality
- Relative Standards
- DISTRESS (DSM-IV): causes suffering
- How much suffering (and how do we know)?
- FUNCTIONAL (DSM-IV): causes impairment
- Who gets to say?
- MATHEMATICAL [statistical] (DSM-IV): is rare
- The only standard that really yields “positive” abnormality: genius, artistic creativity, athletic talent
- SOCIOLOGICAL: breaks a rule
- formal rules: laws, codes of ethical conduct, contracts
- informal rules: norms & mores
- Kanner — “annoyance threshold of the child’s environment”
- caretaker concerns (Achenbach, 1982)
- enduring trait: this has always been a problem
- perceived negative change: this has become a problem
- developmental comparison: not keeping up–failure to change as expected
- DISTRESS (DSM-IV): causes suffering
- Absolute Standards [universal]
- IDEALISTIC: defining mental health
- Maslow and the fully functioning person, self-actualization as a standard, “Be the most that you can be”
- PATHOGONOMIC: always indicated illness
- IDEALISTIC: defining mental health
- Relative Standards
- II: Nature of the Difference
- Qualitative [categorical]–(difference is of KIND)
- Quantitative [dimensional]–(difference is of DEGREE or amount)
- III: Level of Interest
- symptom
- symptom: verbal report of patient
- sign: observation of clinician
- syndrome
- disorder
- [disease]
- symptom
- Diagnostic Certainty
- Differential Diagnosis
- categorical system
- it is a classification system of patterns of behavior
- “The essential features of . . .”
- multiple diagnoses allowed/encouraged
- clinical focus
- the judgment/perspective of the clinician is the reference point
- definition of Mental Disorder
- the judgment/perspective of the clinician is the reference point
- definition of Mental Disorder
- The first question: ‘Does this client have a Mental Disorder?’
- the judgment/perspective of the clinician is the reference point
- multiaxial
- more comprehensive information than acute syndromes are necessary of adequately understand a case
- precedence of diagnosis–Diagnostic Hierarchies
- DSM-IV encourages multiple diagnoses when the criteria for more than one diagnoses are met, there are 3 general exceptions:
- General Medical Condition/Substance Use
- “not due to the direct effects of a substance (e.g., drugs of abuse or medication) or a general medical condition.”
- “symptoms due to” preempts diagnosis of other mental disorders
- Alcohol Mood Disorder preempts Major Depression
- Associated feature of more pervasive disorder
- “has never met the criterion for . . .”
- “does not meet the criterion for . . .”
- “does not occur exclusively during the course of . . .”
- In general, the more pervasive disorder preempts the diagnosis of the more focused disorder: Schizophrenia has depression as an “associated symptom”, so Dysthymic Disorder would not also be concurrently diagnosed, except . . .
- if uniquely established independently of more pervasive disorder
- or, some exceptions are made when associated symptom becomes focus of treatment: sleep disorders & depression
- self-injurious behavior & autism
- Boundary difficulties (clinical judgments)
- “not better accounted for by . . .”: reminds you to consider
DSM-IV-TR Multiaxial Assessment
- Axis I
- Clinical Syndromes
- Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention
- Axis II
- Mental Retardation
- Personality Disorders
- personality traits
- Axis III
- General Medical Conditions
- Axis IV
- Psychosocial & Environmental Problems
- Axis V
- Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale