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11-17-14: review cases
- discuss cases from Casebook
- hand out: Good Sleep; case set 29; Miklowitz & Johnson (2014)
11-12-14: sleep and Sexual Dysfunctions
- handout: case set 26
- for Mon & Wed: pick out case you would like to discuss/have questions about in casebook
11-10-14: somatoform
- handout: case set 25
11-5-14: psychopathy
- handout: case set 28; LEC-5 (three versions); Millon & Everly table 2.3 & 2.4
- show & tell: Cleckley (1982); Baron-Cohen (2011); Thomas (2013)
11-3-14: third group presentation
- video
- discuss cases: OCD
- handouts: case set
- Kelsey: discuss Miller et al., ch 2
- handout: The Breakfast Club; Nezu, Nezu, Lombardo (2004) ch 12
- discuss cases
- Midterm: next Wednesday 10-17-14
- Group 2, week from Monday (10-22-14), followed on succeeding Mondays by groups
- 2, 3, 4
10-6-14: borderline personality disorder
- handout: Cheers V
- DSM video segment 1-5
- handout: case set #20; R. Winfried (2014)
- Alex leads discussion of bipolar ch
- discuss cases
- handout: Cheers IV; BAI; Goodman OCD questionnaire: PTSD screen
- Melanie leads discussion of schizophrenia ch
- handout: Cheers III; Javitt (2014) Glutiamate and Schizophrenia
- J. John Mann, M.D. “Suicide Prevention: Detecting high risk patients”
9-24-14: practice: suicide inquiry
- review cases
- handouts: Cheers II; BDI; BDI-PC (short form); CES-D-R
- discussion
- show & tell: Gottesman (1991)
9-22-14: regrouping
- handout: Cheers I; Miller, Rathus, & Linehan ch 1 (2007)
- discuss cases
9-17-14: ill, class cancelled
9-15-14: 8th class: rambling on about bipolar disorder and panic attacks
- handout set #12
- DSM video segment 1-3 Mel & 1-4 Marcella
9-10-14: 7th class neurobehavioral disorders
- substance abuse disorders
- Sarah leads discussion of alcohol and drug ch’s
- discussion of cases
- handout set#9
9-7-14: 6th class: neurobehavioral disorders
- Kristianna leads discussion of Goldstein (2014)
- DSM video segment 1-2: Joan
- handouts: set #8; AUDIT; Sensible Drinking (2005); MAST
- substance use disorders
9-2-14: 5th class: does your instructor know you name?
- “Clinical Profiles in Alzheimer’s Disease”
- practice: MMSE
- neurobehavioral disorders
- handout: set #7; Wagner, Hospital, Sobell, & Sobell (2014)
- show & tell: Arciniegas & Beresford (2001)
8-27-14: 4th class: does your instructor know your name?
- criterion A:
- deficits social-emotional reciprocity
- deficits in nonverbal communication
- deficits in relationships
- criterion B: (2 of 4)
- stereotyped or repetitive motor movements
- insistence on sameness
- restricted/fixated interrests
- hyper- or hypoactivity to sensory input (new)
- symptoms must be pressent “in the early developmental period”
- question to consider: Has the prevalence of Autistic Disorder (DSM-IV) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (DSM 5) actually increased over the past five decades?
- Asperger’s Disoder (DSM-IV) = Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, Without Intellectual or Language Impairment
- examples:
- “Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 2, with mild intellectual disability and language impairment, onset agae 20 months, loss of previously acquired language” (Georgeanna Gibson, MAE, LPCC, 2013)
- “Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, associated with ADHD, without intellectual disability and without language impairment” (ibid.)
- “Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 2, associated with Cerebral Palsy, mild intellectual disability and stuttering” (ibid.)
- CL leads discussion of LD articles
- handout: set #4
8-25-14: 3rd class, — using DSM
- questions?
- DSM-IV Videotaped Clinical Vignettes, Vol 1, segment 1-1 Mike
- notes case set 1
- review set 2
- handouts: set #3; ICD 10 update; Vanderbilt teacher, parent; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome; Volkmar PDD; CHAT; CGAS; M-CHAT; ASRS-v1.1
8-20-14: 2nd class, abnormality
- questions?
- review first case set
- Molly leads discussion of Li, Jenkins, & Sundsmo, 2012
- discussion leader next Wednesday:
- handouts: case set#2; LD articles (8-27-1)
- show & tell: Nell, V. (2000). Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Assessment: Theory and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates.
- read: Neurodevelomental Disorders ch. in DSM and in casebook
8-18-14: 1st class–goals, structure, beginnings, abnormality
- handouts: syllabus; case set#1; ch. 4: Impact of race and ethnicity (Li, Jenkins, & Sundsmo, 2012)
- assignments: teach me your name – participation
- read DSM 5, section 1 (pp 1-30)
- diagnosis cases in set #1 for Wednesday
- example
- discussion leader for Wednesday: Molly