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Why does Dr. House teach?



well, no, not actually

1) I don’t really need the money

2) it actually decreases my income at this time in my life
(but I don’t turn the money down)


money (extrinsic reward; generalized conditioned reinforcer)

other possible satisfactions from teaching?

  • Security (probably illusionary, also extrinsic)
  • Prestige (attention, recognition, self-esteem; extrinsic)
  • Power (influence, control, autonomy; possibly intrinsic and/or extrinsic)
  • Social (relatedness, socialization opportunities; possibly intrinsic and/or extrinsic)
  • Generativity (passing on to next generation, paying back; probably intrinsic)
  • Task satisfaction (competence, self-esteem?; probably intrinsic)
  • others?


  • Probably many reasons.
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