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I. Personal Data: Alvin Enis House

Date of birth: September 1, 1949
Marital status: Married

Present address:
Department of Psychology
Campus Box 4620
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-4620

Telephone number:
Office number:(309) 438-8508
Private Practice: (309) 452-7312

II. Educational Background:

Ph.D. Psychology University of Tennessee 1975
Internship Psychology (Clinical) 1975: University of Mississippi Medical Center and Jackson Veterans’ Hospital
B.A. Psychology University of Oregon 1970

III. Academic Experience:

Illinois State University:

  • Professor of Psychology – 2002 – present
  • Coordinator of Clinical-Counseling Program – 2000 – present
  • Associate Professor of Psychology – 1981-2002
  • Assistant Professor of Psychology – 1975-1981
  • Coordinator of Clinical Program – 1976-1981
  • Graduate Faculty – 1977-present

Illinois Wesleyan University:

  • Lecturer in Psychology – 1978

University of Tennessee:

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant and Instructor

University of Oregon:

  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant and Seminar Leader

IV. Publications:

  • House, A.E. (2003). Psychiatric diagnoses in children–implications for treatment & funding. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, 19, 1, 6-7.
  • House, A.E. (2002). The First Session with Children and Adolescents: Conducting a comprehensive mental health evaluation. Guilford Press: New York.
  • House, A. E. (2002). DSM-IV Diagnosis in the Schools, updated edition. New York: Guilford Press.
  • (in press). [DSM-IV Diagnosis in the Schools, updated edition]. Japanese translation: Seishin Shobo.
  • House, A.E. (2001) Effective use of DSM-IV with children. in E.R. Welfel & R.E. Ingersoll (Eds.) The Mental Health Desk Reference. New York: Wiley.
  • House, A. E. (1999). DSM-IV Diagnosis in the Schools. New York: Guilford Press.
  • (2001) La Diagnosi Psicologica Nella Scuola Secondo Il DSM-IV. [DSM-IV Diagnosis in the Schools]. (translator Gabriele Lo Iacono). Trento, Italy: Edizioni Erickson.
  • Dannenbring, D., Stevens, M. J., & House, A. E. (1997). Predictors of childbirth pain and maternal satisfaction. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20, 127-142.
  • House, A. E. (1996). The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R). In C.S. Newmark (Ed.), Major Psychological Test Instruments, 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Roecker, C. E., House, A. E., & Graybill, D. (1992-1993). Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: High rates of false positives for geriatric subjects. Current Psychology, II, 354-359.
  • House, A. E. (1988). Reactivity of children to baseline behavioral observations: A survey of investigators. Child Study Journal, 18, 201-205.
  • House, A. E. (1988). Issues in the clinical use of the WAIS-R. In Lang, M., & Del Corno, F. (Eds.), La diagnosi e i suoi strumenti in Psicologia Clinica. Milano, Franco Angeli.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. (1986). Critical aspects of therapeutic imagery: Vividness, reality, control, and information. In A. Ahsen, A. T. Dolan, & C. S. Jordan (Eds.) Handbook of Imagery Research and Practice. New York: Brandon House.
  • Graybill, D., Mackie, D. J., & House, A. E. (1985). Aggression in college students who were abused as children. Journal of College Student Personnel, 26, 492-497.
  • House, A. E., & Lewis, M. J. (1985). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised. In C. S. Nemark (Ed.), Major Psychological Assessment Instruments. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • House, A. E., Farber, J. W., & Nier, L. L. (1983). Differences in computational accuracy and speed of calculation between three measures of interobserver agreement. Child Study Journal, 13, 195-201.
  • Dorgan, M., Goebel, B. L., & House, A. E. (1983). Generalizing about sex role and self-esteem: Results or effects? Sex Roles, 9, 719-724.
  • House, A. E., Manelis, L., & Kinscherf, B. M. (1983). Vigilance as a model of self-monitoring accuracy: Empirical effects and a conceptual framework. Behavioral Assessment, 5, 83-96.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. (1981). The role of mental events in behavior therapy. In E. Klinger (Ed.), Imagery: Concepts, results, and applications. New York: Plenum Press, 275-288.
  • House, A. E., House, B. J., & Campbell, M. B. (1981). Measures of interobserver agreement: calculation formulas and distribution effects. Journal of Behavioral Assessment, 3, 37-57.
  • House, A. E. (1980). Detecting bias in observational data. Behavioral Assessment, 2, 29-31.
  • House, B. J., & House, A. E. (1979). Frequency, complexity, and clarity as covariates of observer reliability. Journal of Behavioral Assessment, 1, 149-165.
  • House, A. E., & Kinscherf, B. M. (1979). Effects of intrinsic and experimenter induced motivation for change on self-monitoring accuracy. Psychological Reports, 45, 667-670.
  • House, A. E., Peterson, G. L., & Fitts, H. E. (1979). Effect of response class on self-monitoring accuracy. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 49, 63-66.
  • House, A. E., & Stambaugh, E. E. (1979). Transfer of therapeutic effects from institution to home: Faith, hope, and behavior modification. Family Process, 18, p. 87-93.
  • House, A. E. (1978). Naturalistic observation: Formal and informal difficulties. Child Study Journal, 8, 17-28.
  • Zegiob, L., Alford, G., & House, A. E. (1978). Response suppressive and generalization effects of facial screening on multiple self-injurious behaviors in a retarded boy. Behavior Therapy, 9, 688.
  • Stambaugh, E. E., & House, A. E. (1977). Multimodality treatment of migraine headache: A case study utilizing biofeedback, relaxation, autogenic and hypnotic treatments. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 19, 235-240.
  • Wahler, R. G., House, A. E., & Stambaugh, E. E. (1976). Ecological assessment of child problem behavior, a clinical package for home, school and institutions. New York: Pergamon Press.
  • House, A. E. (1975). An observational investigation of the relationship between mothers’ visual tracking and the behavior of their children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation: University of Tennessee.
  • House, A. E., & Wahler, R. G. (1974). Just what is it that you people do? Contemporary Psychology, 19, 200-201.

V. Papers:

  • House, A.E., Casper, E., Nieminski, K., Padilla, M., & Pierson, E. Neuropsychological assessment of a young man diagnosed with Sotos Syndrome. Poster presentation for the National Academy of Neuropsychology, October 11, 2002, Miami Beach, FL.
  • House, A.E. & Ward, C.A. Development of scoring criteria for the Butcher Story paragraph recall test. Poster presentation for the National Academy of Neuropsychology, November 3, 2001, San Francisco, CA.
  • House, A.E. & Ward, C.A. Cued recall (recognition) stimuli for the Butcher Story paragraph recall test. Poster presentation for the National Academy of Neuropsychology, November 3, 2001, San Francisco, CA.
  • House, A.E. & Campbell, M.B. Relationships between the Alzheimer Disease Assessment (ADAS), Iowa Screen for Dementia Index, and the Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (NCSE) in a patient sample being evaluated for dementia. Poster presentation for the National Academy of Neuropsychology, November 3, 2001, San Francisco, CA.
  • House, A.E. Immediate and delayed recall norms for the Butcher Story Paragraph
  • Recall Test with a Disabled Population. Poster presentation for the National
  • Academy of Neuropsychology, November 16, 2000, Orlando, FL.
  • House, A.E. & Campbell, M.B. Seventeen years of neuropsychology services in a
  • general community hospital: Changes, trends, and reflections. Poster presentation for the National Academy of Neuropsychology, November 18, 2000, Orlando, FL.
  • House, A. E. Providing neuropsychological assessment and consultation to schools. Special topics presentation for the 19th Annual National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, November 12, 1999, San Antonio, TX.
  • House, A. E. Rehabilitation norms for the Butcher Story paragraph recall test. Poster presentation for the 19th Annual National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference. November 13, 1999, San Antonio, TX.
  • Staley, M. D., House, A. E., & Graybill, D. F. Reliability and stability of the Hartledge Behavior Change Inventory. Poster presentation for the 19th Annual National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, November 12, 1999, San Antonio, TX.
  • Surratt, J.C., House, A., & Graybill, D. Heinous and non-heinous murderers: MMPI-2 and Hare Psychopathy Checklist differences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment. March 8, 1996, Denver, CO.
  • Hesse, D. D., Stevens, M. J., & House, A. E. Predictors of childbirth pain and satisfaction. Paper presented in poster session at the Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C., November 18, 1995.
  • Eckert, R. K., House, A. E., Carroll, T. M., & Volle, F. O. Normative and criterion validity data for the Airplane Paragraph Verbal Memory Test (APVMT). Paper presented at MPA Annual Convention, April 30, 1992, Chicago, IL.
  • Roecker, C. E., House, A. E., & Graybill, D. Preliminary normative data for supplemental Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form I scales: Delayed Memory, Power, and Speed. Paper presented in poster session, NAN, 10th Annual Conference, November 2, 1990, Reno, NA.
  • Roecker, C. E., House, A. E., Graybill, D. Evaluation of the critical level model employed by the Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Form I. Paper presented in poster session, NAN, 10th Annual Conference, November 2, 1990, Reno, NA.
  • Reitz, R. O., House, A. E., Graybill, D. Rey AVLT performance as a function of age and gender. Paper presented in poster session, NAN, 10th Annual Conference, November 2, 1990, Reno, NA.
  • Janicak, C. Y., House, A. E., & Graybill, D. The relationship of intelligence and memory in regard to verbal and nonverbal abilities. Paper presented in poster session, NAN, 10th Annual Conference, November 1, 1990, Reno NA.
  • House, A. E. & Campbell, M. B. Simple factor structure for WAIS-R subtests in a psychiatric sample referred for neuropsychological assessment. Paper presented in poster session, National Academy of Neuropsychology, 10th Annual Conference, November 1, 1990, Reno, NA.
  • Roecker, C. E., Graybill, D. F., House, A. E. Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: High rates of false positives for geriatric subjects. Paper presented in poster session, American Psychological Society, Second Annual Convention, June 8, 1990, Dallas, TX.
  • House, A. E. Contribution of attitudes about hypnosis to hypnotic responsiveness. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, November 18, 1983, Dallas, TX.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. Attitudes towards hypnosis: Unitary or complex influence? Paper presented for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, October 29, 1982, Denver, CO.
  • House, A. E. Reactivity to baseline behavioral observations: A survey of investigators. Paper presented in poster session, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, November 14, 1981, Toronto, Canada.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. Critical aspects of therapeutic imagery: vividness, reality, control, and information. Paper to be presented for the Fifth American Imagery Conference, October 9, 1981, Chicago, IL.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. The mental imagery test–a brief, performance measure of subjects’ ability to become involved in directed fantasy. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, May 2, 1981, Detroit, MI.
  • House, A. E., Farber, J., & Nier, L. L. Accuracy and speed of reliability calculation using different measures of interobserver agreement. Paper prepared for poster session, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, November 23, 1980, New York, NY.
  • House, A. E., House, B. J., & Campbell, M. B. Measures of interobserver agreement: Distribution effects and interrelationships. Paper prepared for poster session, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, November 23, 1980, New York, NY.
  • House, A. E., Kinscherf, B. M., Farber, J. W., & Schott, M. A. Motivational effects on self-monitoring accuracy. Paper prepared for poster session, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, November 23, 1980, New York, NY.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. Attitudes toward hypnosis–a factor analytic description. Paper presented for The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, November 15, 1980, Minneapolis, MN.
  • House, A. E., & Campbell, M. B. The role of mental events in behavior therapy: Image versus cognition. Paper presented at the American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery Annual Conference, June 20, 1980, Minneapolis, MN.
  • House, A. E., & Manelis, L. A vigilance model of self-monitoring accuracy. Paper prepared in poster session. Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, December 14, 1979, San Francisco, CA.
  • House, A. E. Practicum supervision in rural mental health: Bridging the gulf between university training and community practice. Paper presented at Summer Study Program on Rural Mental Health Services Association for Rural Mental Health, June 29, 1979, Madison, WI.
  • Woodburn, A. L., Moore, B. L., & House, A. E. Attempting to teach noun pluralization to retarded children. Paper presented in poster session at Midwestern Association of Behavior Analysis, May 15, 1978, Chicago, IL.
  • House, A. E., & Kinscherf, B. M. Effects of intrinsic and experimenter induced motivation for change on self-monitoring accuracy. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, May 6, 1978, Chicago, IL.
  • Mini-Reyman, F., Goldstein, M. A., & House, A. E. The effects of equity level and resource type of exchange satisfaction. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, May 5, 1978, Chicago, IL.
  • House, A. E., & House, B. J. Frequency, complexity, and clarity as determinants of observational accuracy. Paper prepared for poster session, Association of Advancement of Behavior Therapy, December 9, 1977, Atlanta, GA.
  • Moffett, B. A., & House, A. E. Language therapy with autistic children. Paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association, May 6, 1977, Chicago, IL.
  • House, A. E., & Peterson, G. L. Response class, valence and determinants of self-monitoring accuracy and reactivity. Paper presented at Southeastern Psychological Association, May 7, 1977, Hollywood, FL.
  • Peterson, G. L., House, A. E., & Fitts, H. E. Effect of response class on self-monitoring. Paper presented at Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, December 4, 1976, New York, NY.
  • Zegiob, L., Alford, G., House, A. E., Jenkins, J., Becker, J., & Bristow, A. Facial screening: Appropriate target behaviors, generalizations, and side effects. Paper presented at American Psychological Association, September 6, 1976, Washington, D.C.
  • Peterson, G. L., House, A. E., & Alford, H. F. The accuracy and reactivity of self-monitored conversational behaviors. Paper presented at Southeastern Psychological Association, March 28, 1975, Atlanta, Georgia.

VI. Clinical Experience:

  • 1978-present Private practice of clinical psychology.
  • 1996-present Consulting Psychologist. BroMenn HealthCare, Normal, IL.
  • 1988-1994 Consulting Psychologist. BroMenn HealthCare, Normal, IL.
  • 1981-1988 Staff psychologist. Brokaw Hospital, Normal, Illinois.
    • Administrative Supervisor: Sonya Reese, Vice President of Professional Science.
  • 1980-1981 Inpatient group and individual psychotherapy. Neuropsychiatry S.D., Normal, IL.
  • 1975-1980 Mental Health Consultant. McLean County Head Start. Director: Sharon Cochran.
  • 1975-1976 Quarter-time staff assignment. Illinois State University
  • 1974-1975 Psychology Intern. Clinical internship, University of Mississippi Medical Center and Jackson Veterans Hospital, Jackson, Mississippi.
  • 1973-1974 Psychologist Trainee. Clinical placement, University of Tennessee Counseling Center. Director: R. Nash, Ed.D.
  • 1973 (Summer) Clinic Assistant. Unviersity of Tennessee Psychology Clinic. Director: K. Newton, Ph.D.
  • 1972-1973 Psychologist Trainee. Clinical Placement, Tennessee State School for the Deaf. L. Droppleman, Ph.D.
  • 1972 (Summer) Clinic Assistant. University of Tennessee Psychology Clinic. Director: K. Newton, Ph.D.
  • 1971-1972 Research Observer. 15 hr/wk clinical placement, University of Tennessee. R. G. Wahler, Ph.D.
  • 1970-1971 Psychiatric Aide I. Eastern Oregon Hospital & Training Center, Pendleton, Oregon.

VII. Professional Workshops Presented:

Workshops presented for professional groups and agencies. Topics include behavioral management of children, clinical interviewing, relaxation training, social skill training, group therapy, neuropsychological assessment, personality assessment, hypnosis, and DSM-IV. Citations available upon request.

VIII. Professional Associations:

  • American Psychological Association
    • Division 30, Psychological Hypnosis
    • Division 40, Neuropsychology
  • Midwestern Psychological Association
  • Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy
  • National Academy of Neuropsychologists
  • Society for Personality Assessment

IX. Certification:

State of Illinois, Psychologist, 1978

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