Dr. Miller-Ott has taught a variety of communication courses and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2018 Outstanding University Teaching Award – Tenured Professor and the 2017 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding College Teacher Award.
The following is a list of courses taught, organized by institution.
Illinois State University
Undergraduate Courses
Family Communication
Human Communication and Aging
Interpersonal Communication (writing intensive; online and traditional formats)
Research Methods in Communication (online and traditional formats)
Graduate Courses
Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication throughout the Lifespan
Seminar in Family Communication
Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
Technology and Close Relationships
University of Hartford
Undergraduate Courses
Business and Professional Communication
Communication Theory
Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication
Family Communication
Gender and Communication
Interpersonal Communication (writing intensive; online and traditional formats)
Introduction to Communication
Introduction to Health Communication
Public Speaking (online and traditional formats)
Research Methods in Communication (online and traditional formats)
Small Group Communication (online and traditional formats)
Unique Personal Relationships (First Year Seminar)
Graduate Courses
Communication Research Methods
Interpersonal and organizational Tensions: A Communication Perspective
Seminar in Family Communication
Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
Technology and Close Relationships