None at this Time
Emily Bennett
Testing the riverine barrier hypothesis to explain diversity in Amazonian understory terra firme forest birds
Rachael Van Essen
Determining the geographic origins of bats at a central Illinois wind farm using stable isotopes, GIS, and GARP
Completed (Doctoral)
James Armacost, Jr.
Ecology and conservation of Amazonian river island birds
Completed (Master’s)
Anne Bartuszevige
Organochlorine contamination and gonadal abnormalities in Illinois grassland birds: a test of the endocrine disruptor hypothesis
Robb Brumfield
Avian biodiversity in northwestern South America: elucidating the origin of the Choco avifauna
Zac Cheviron
Phylogeography and genetic population structure of the Neotropical Blue-crowned Manakin (Aves: Pipridae: Pipra coronata): a test of competing historical hypotheses of the origin of avian species diversity in the Amazon Basin
Julie El-Zanati
Habitat selection in grassland breeding birds: predicting species presence and population density
Ben Marks
Historical relationships among Neotropical lowland forest are as of endemism as determined by mtDNA sequence variation within the wedge-billed woodcreeper (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae: Glyphorynchus spirurus)
Mathys Meyer
A morphological phylogeny of the African Anuran subfamily Ptychadeninae (Dubois 1992) (Anura: Ranidae)
Eric Rakotoarisoa
Effects of forest fragmentation on the avian communities in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar
Katherine Rollins
Bat fatality at wind turbines: testing the barotrauma vs. collision hypotheses
Jeffrey Skibins
Multivariate analyses of the validity of the taxon Myotis sodalis (the Indiana cave bat); winner of 1994 Fisher outstanding thesis competition at Illinois State University.
Xavier Viteri
Gap analysis of the tropandean high biodiversity area Quijos-Sumaco (Ecuador); department nominee for 1997 Fisher outstanding thesis competition.