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Dr. Ben Sadd is currently, will be involved in, or has recently been involved in the courses below. In addition, undergraduate research opportunities are available through BSC290, BSC 299 and other mechanisms. Please contact Dr. Ben Sadd​ for more details.   

BSC196 Biological Diversity

An introductory undergraduate class providing an overview of biological diversity, emphasizing major innovations in structure and function, including ecology and physiology, as well as the evolutionary history and relationships of living organisms..

​BSC201 Ecology

A broad introduction to ecology, from individuals to ecosystems. 

BSC301 Entomology

An insight into the taxonomy of insects, with a focus on their ecology and evolution. 

BSC311 Rainforest Ecology

Natural history and ecology of tropical ecosystems and the threats they face. This course also focuses on the development of independent and original projects by the students, including a fieldcourse component in Costa Rica, where students get to realize their projects.  

BSC450.48 Current topics in the Evolution and Ecology of Infectious Disease

A graduate level course that delves into the realm of the evolution and ecology of infectious diseases and the host organisms that are bombarded by them.​

BSC470 Evolution

A broad graduate-level class on a diversity of evolutionary topics from processes of allele frequency change, patterns in space and time, and broader consequences. Covering population genetics, adaptive radiation, coevolution, cooperation, sex and recombination, and more.

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