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Reading together: A way to bring older adults closely and increase place attachment


The objective of this study was to test a new model of Distributed Reading with older adults. The experiment explored how reading together could support place attachment, promoting interaction and closeness. The research design is a exploratory qualitative study. Four kinds of couples participated in this study: two couples living in a longterm care facility, a married couple, a couple of friends and a couple of strangers. The findings showed that place attachment dimension of friend bonding can be built more at each session. After the first session, participants tend to be more comfortable with each other and look at the activity as a way to spend time with someone else. However, in order to work in a pleasant way, this activity demands rapport between the couple and a common interest in the book narrative.

Keywords: design, reading out loud, leisure, older adults.


Thaís Cristina Martino Sehn, Ph.D.
Gabriela Fonseca Pereira, Ph.D.
Stan Ruecker, Ph.D.
Jose Luis Farinatti Aymone, Ph.D.

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