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Brazilian Older Adults’ Considerations on Bed Design Features: Using the Importance-Performance Matrix and Painful Areas Diagram


During the aging process, many physical and psychological changes happen, which influence older adults on the use of spaces and products. Among these products, the bed is necessary during the whole lifespan of a person. However, the incidence of accidental falls is high among older adults in the moment they are getting in and getting out of bed. The purpose of this study was to identify Brazilian older adults’ perceptions on bed design features in terms of safety and comfort, using the importance-performance matrix and the painful areas diagram. A total of fifty individuals were interviewed in the south of Brazil; twenty-nine living in a public nursing home and twenty-one living in their private residences. In terms of safety, findings from the importance-performance matrix showed that older adults identified the height of the bed as the most important design feature. In terms of comfort, the matrix showed that older adults identified their perceptions of density of the mattress as the most important design feature. From the painful areas diagram, older adults living in the public nursing home expressed more pain and discomfort when using the bed than those living in their private residences. This study showed the need for improvement on bed design at public nursing homes in Brazil, a place that aims to provide care for older adults. It also provided insights on criteria for bed design for older adults.

Keywords: Aging, Bed Design, Older Adults, Safety, Comfort


Gabriela Fonseca Pereira, Ph.D.
Mihyun Kang, Ph.D.
Fernando Gonçalves Amaral
Vilson João Batista


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