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Development of a
Community Food Pantry for Students of Higher Education

Elizabeth Fast
Julie Schumacher, Ed.D.
Jacqueline Lanier,Dr.PH.
Jennifer Banning, Ph.D.
Amy Bardwell, Ph.D.
Teresa Drake, Ph.D.
Rachel Vollmer, Ph.D.

Effects of nutrient claims on consumer purchasing of snacks in white-collar and blue-collar working environments
Cecily R. Martinez
Amy M. Bardwell, Ph.D.
Julie R. Schumacher, EdD, RDN, LDN
Jennifer L. Barnes, Ph.D.

Impact of Summer mobile feeding sites on increasing Children’s access to food
Stephanie Sather, MS, RDN, LDN;
Julie Schumacher, EdD, RDN, LDN;
Jacqueline Lanier, DrPH, MCHES;
Julie Fehrenbacher, MS, RDN, LDN;
Amy Bardwell, PhD

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