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Citing Publications

Archer-Helke, C., Kahl, C., Stevens, C., & Wolfgang, L. (2021). The Pandemic Made Me Do It: Changing Public Services. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. doi:10.1080/10875301.2021.1891183 (post-print)

  • Garvey, M. (2021). Virtual reference among COVID-19 campus closure: A case study and assessment. Reference Services Review, 49(2), 132-150. doi:10.1108.RSR-01-2021-0005 (abstract)
  • Nnanna, J. (2023). An exploratory study into innovation hubs in Australian public universities: A public value perspective (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Cross University).
  • Osorio, N., & Droog, A. (2021). Exploring the impact of the pandemic on reference and research services: A literature review. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 37(3): 280-300. (pre-print)
  • Sarwono, Maryono, & Saptari, J. Instragram Live (IG Live) sebagai Sarans Sosialisasi Layanan Pustaka Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Media informasi 32(2), 135-145. (article)
  • Wardhana, A. W. P., & Lawanda, I. I. (2024). Tren penelitian etika dan hak cipta dalam perpustakaan: Analisis bibliometrik. Media Pustakawan, 31(1), 44-59. doi:10.37014/medpus.v31i1.5145 (article)
  • Wheatley, A., & Goodall, K. (2023) Launching a virtual study hall service for university students during the pandemic. Journal of Library Outreach and Engagement, 3(2023), 27-34. doi:10.21900/j.jloe.v3.1123 (article)

Rinehart, A., Sharkey, J., & Kahl, C. (2015). Learning style dimensions and professional characteristics of academic librarians. College & Research Libraries, 76(4), 450-468. doi:10.5860/crl.76.4.450

  • Akakpo, M.G. (2019). The influence of learner characteristics on interactions to seek and share information in E-learning: A media psychology perspective. (Doctoral dissertation, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitaet Wuerzburg). (dissertation)
  • Al-Shfii, ASM, & Khaled, ZAM. (2023) The effect of the interaction between divergent thinking strategies and learning style in an adaptive learning environment on developing successful intelligence skills among female students of the Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University. Al-Azhar Journal of Education, 42(199), 243-325. doi:10.21608/JSREP.2023.322501 (article)
  • Feldvari, F., Zdravčević, I., & Glumac, M. (2021). Organizacija informacija i katalogizacija: temelj obrazovanja informacijskih stručnjaka [Information organization and cataloguing: The basis of information professionals education]. Organizacija znanja, 26(1-2). doi:10.3359/oz2126001 (article)
  • Laurențiu-Cătălin, P. (2019). Relația dintre stilurile de învățare și notele elevilor liceului teologic adventist „ștefan demetrescu” din bucurești [The relationship between learning styles and notes of the students of the Adventist Theological High School “Stefan Demetrescu” from Bucharest.] (Master’s thesis, Montemorelos University). (thesis)
  • Mavodza, J. (2022). Navigating and managing an academic library: Best practices from the Arabian Gulf Region. De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110740219
  • Mirza, M. A., Khurshid, K., Shah, Z., Ullah, I., Binbusayyis, A., & Mahdavi, M. (2022). ILS validity analysis for secondary grade through factor analysis and internal consistency reliability. Sustainability, 14(13), 7950. (article)
  • Sulistyanto, H., Joko Prayitno, H., Sutama, S., Narimo, S., & Sutopo, A. (2023). The effectiveness of hybrid learning-based adaptive media to empower student’s critical thinking skills: Is it really for VARK learning style?. Asian Journal Of University Education, 19(1), 95-107. doi:10.24191/ajue.v19i1.21219 (article)
  • Sulistyanto, H., Nurgiyatna, N., Prayitno, H. J., Anif, S., Sutama, S., & Sutopo, A. (2022). Improving students’ critical thinking ability with enhanced-open learning approach using adaptive hypermedia. Urecol Journal. Part A: Education and Training, 2(2), 49–60. (article)
  • Tewell, E. (2016). Cataloguers may tend to have learning styles different from other library job responsibilities. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11(2), 198-200. doi:10.18438/B8JW46 (review article)
  • Weiner, S. (2015). Setting the stage for success: Developing an orientation program for academic library faculty. Library Leadership & Management, 30,(1). doi:10.5860/llm.v30i1.7128 (article)

Kahl, C., & Paterson, J. (2012). Posters, programs, and perspectives on democracy. In M. A. Wong, & L. J. Hinchliffe (Eds.), Environments for student growth and development: Libraries and student affairs in collaboration (101-11). Chicago: American Library Association.

  • Hoag, B. (2016). Opposites or perfect partners: Student affairs and libraries in collaboration to advance student learning. (Doctoral dissertation, Bowling Green State University). (dissertation)
  • Long, D. (2016). Librarians and Student Affairs Professionals as Collaborators for Student Learning and Success. (Doctoral dissertation, Illinois State University). (dissertation)

Kahl, C.M., & Davis-Kahl, S.R. (2010). Human rights reference sources: A critical annotated bibliography. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 29(1), 32-64. doi:10.1080/01639260903579933 (post-print)

  • Cassell, K.A., & Hiremath, U. (2018). Reference and Information Services: An Introduction (4th ed.). Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman.
  • Panigabutra-Roberts, A. (2012). Human trafficking in the United States. Part I. State of the knowledge. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 31(3/4), 138-151. doi:10.1080/01639269.2012.736330 (post-print)
  • Stebbins, L. (2010). The JAL guide to professional literature. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(4), 364-71. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2010.05.019 (abstract)
  • Sattarzadeh, S.D. (2015). Reading between the lines of rights: A critical analysis of international and national discourses (de)marginalizing indigenous and minority rights to higher education. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland). (dissertation)

Kahl, C. (2007). International relations, international security, and comparative politics: A guide to reference and information sources. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. [Reference Sources in the Social Sciences series] (Google book)

  • Rehman, A. (2013). Impact of drone attacks in Pakistan and the war on terror: A consideration of the effects of drone attacks in Pakistan and whether they are helping or not to win the war on terror! (Bachelor’s thesis, Malmö University, Department of Global Political Studies). (thesis)

Fowler, C., Buss, C.W., Garcia, S.V., & Kahl, C.M. (2007). Standards for proficiencies for instruction librarians and coordinators. Association of College and Research Libraries.
— Task Force members – Clara Fowler (chair), Carla Wilson Buss, Susan Vega Garcia and Chad Kahl
— available from C&RL News, 68(9) (October 2007): 570-75

  • Ammons-Stephens, S., Cole, H.J., Jenkins-Gibbs, K., Riehle, C. F., & Weare, W.H. (2009). Developing core leadership competencies for the library profession. Library Leadership & Management, 23(2), 63-74. (article)
  • Byrne, A. (2009). Owning our future: Twenty-first century librarians: The 2009 Elizabeth W. Stone lecture. In J. Varlejs, & G. Walton (Eds.), Strategies for regenerating the library and information profession (pp. 17-31). Munich: K.G. Saur. doi:10.1515/9783598441776.0.17 (chapter)
  • Chodock, T., & Dolinger, E. (2009). Applying universal design to information literacy: Teaching students who learn differently at landmark college. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49(1), 24-32. doi:10.5860/rusq.49n1.24 (article)
  • Corrall, S. (2010, March). Educating the Academic Librarian as a Blended Professional: A Review and Case Study. Presentation at the ALSR 2010 Conference, Hong Kong. (presentation paper)
  • Edwards, M., & Hinchliffe, L.J. (2009). Roles of coaching and mentoring in attracting recruits and socializing entrants to the profession. In J. Varlejs, & G. Walton (Eds.), Strategies for regenerating the library and information profession (pp. 96). Munich: K.G. Saur. doi:10.1515/9783598441776.2.96 (chapter)
  • Furlough, M. (2009). What we talk about when we talk about repositories. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49(1), 18-32. doi:10.5860/rusq.49n1.18 (article)
  • Gold, M.L., & Grotti, M.G. (2013). Do job advertisements reflect ACRL’s Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators?: A content analysis. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 39(6), 558-565. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2013.05.013 (abstract)
  • Gonzalez, A.J. (2009). Needs assessment of library instruction at Texas A&M University Libraries using student feedback. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 10(2), 122-133. doi:10.1108/14678040911005455 (abstract)
  • Hoseth, A. (2009). Library participation in a campus-wide teaching program. Reference Services Review, 37(4), 371-385. doi:10.1108/00907320911006985 (abstract)
  • Houtman, E. (2010). “Trying to figure it out”: Academic librarians talk about learning to teach. Library & Information Research, 34(107), 18-40. doi:10.29173/lirg246 (article)
  • Mitchell, E., & Watstein, S.B. (2009). Taiga and Darien: Relevance for reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age. Reference Services Review, 37(3), 253-259. doi:10.1108/00907320910982749 (abstract)
  • Mroczek, E. (2022). Online instruction: A practical guide for librarians. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (abstract)
  • Rauchmann, S. (2009). Bibliothekare in Hochschulbibliotheken als Vermittler von Informationskompetenz: Eine Bestandsaufnahme und eine empirische Untersuchung über das Selbstbild der Bibliothekare zum Thema Informationskompetenz und des Erwerbs methodisch-didaktischer Kenntnisse in Deutschland [Librarians in university libraries as mediators of information literacy: An inventory and an empirical study of the self-image of librarians on the subject of information literacy and the acquisition of methodological and didactic knowledge in Germany]. (Doctoral dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft). doi:10.18452:16133 (dissertation)
  • Shank, J.D., & Dewald, N.H. (2012). Academic library administrators’ perceptions of four instructional skills. College & Research Libraries, 73(1), 78-93. doi:10.5860/crl-219 (article)
  • Sproles, C., Johnson, A. M., & Farison, L. (2008). What the teachers are teaching: How MLIS programs are preparing academic librarians for instructional roles. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 49(3), 195-209. (abstract)
  • Starkey, A. (2010). Kansas academic librarian perceptions of information literacy professional development needs. (Doctoral dissertation, Kansas State University). (dissertation)
  • Westbrock, T., & Fabian, S. (2010). Proficiencies for instruction librarians: Is there still a disconnect between professional education and professional responsibilities? College & Research Libraries, 71(6), 569-590. doi:10.5860/crl-75r1 (article)

Kahl, C.M., & Williams, S.C. (2006). Accessing digital libraries: A study of ARL members’ digital projects. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(4), 364-369. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2006.03.003 (post-print)
— also available in conference presentation format in Internet Librarian 2004: Collected Presentations, November 15-17, 2004, Monterey Conference Center, Monterey, California, compiled by Carol Nixon and Jennifer Burmood (Information Today, 2004), 159-64. [citations marked with *]

  • Blummer, B., & Kenton, J.M. (2017). Access and accessibility of academic libraries’ electronic resources and services: Identifying themes in the literature from 2000 to the present. In H. Alphin, Jr., J. Lavine, & R. Chan (Eds.) Disability and equity in higher education accessibility (pp. 242-267). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2665-0.ch011 (abstract)
  • *Boydston, J.K., & Leysen, J.M. (2006). Observations on the catalogers’ role in descriptive metadata creation in academic libraries. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 43(2), 3-17. doi:10.1300/J104v43n02_02 (abstract)
  • DeCooman, D. (2007). 15 ways to promote effective use of online resources (second ed.) [pamphlet]. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
  • Deng, H. (2009). An empirical analysis of the utilization of university digital library resources. In Y. Theng, S. Foo, D. Goh & J. Na (Eds.), Handbook of research on digital libraries: Design, development, and impact (pp. 344-351). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. (abstract)
  • —–. (2010). Emerging patterns and trends in utilizing electronic resources in a higher education environment: An empirical analysis. New Library World, 111(3/4), 87-103. doi: 10.1108/03074801011027600 (abstract)
  • Griggs, A.J. (2017). Ongoing services in the digital humanities: A user assessment of Project Vox. (Master’s thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science). (thesis)
  • Joyner, J. (2008). Documenting digital collections: Surveying metadata standards used by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill library system. (Master’s thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science). doi:10.17615/sfks-7w78 (thesis)
  • Knapp, M. (2009, October). Snapshot of digitization in health sciences libraries: A descriptive survey. Poster presentation presented at the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association 2009 Annual Meeting, Tulsa.
  • Kumari, S., Singh, S., & Raj, R. (2011). An empirical study on the usage of the Internet or e-resource leading to the growth of information and communication technology. In P. Banerjee, & V. Madhukar (Eds.). Proceedings from the International Conference on Enhancing Organizational Growth through Innovation and Creativity: Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges (pp. 380-392). Amity Education Valley, Gurgaon (Manesar): Amity Business School.
  • Marshall, C., & Hobbs, J. (2017). Creating a web-based digital photographic archive: one hospital library’s experience. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 105(2), 155-159. doi:10.5195/jmla.2017.220 (article)
  • Naylor, S., & Karp, R. (2007). The academic library: Issues and challenges for the future. In J. M. Hurlbert (Ed.), Defining relevancy: Managing the new academic library (pp. 237-264). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. (abstract)
  • Ogunbodede, K. F., Wiche, H. I., & Uchendu, B. O. (2022). Gender differences and use of digital resources in university libraries in Nigeria. African Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science, 32(2), 257–266. (abstract)
  • Phisanpong, K. (2019). A study of possibility of digital library implementation as a standard of supporting distance learning system for a network of universities in the east of Thailand. Burapha University. (research paper)
  • Pickett, K.M., & Knapp, M.M. (2014). A global snapshot of the state of digital collections in the health sciences. Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), 102(2), 121-125. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.102.2.013 (article)
  • San José Montano, B. (2011). La gestión de la colección cooperativa en las bibliotecas universitarias a comienzos del siglo XXI [The management of the cooperative collection in university libraries at the beginning of the 21st century]. (Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación). (dissertation)
  • Sha’at, S. (2012). Assessing the digital divide in university libraries: An applied study on the pioneers of public and government university libraries: The Islamic University of Gaza, Al-Azhar University, Al-Aqsa University. (Master’s thesis, Islamic University of Gaza, College of Commerce, Business Administration Department) (thesis)
  • Skibiński, P., & Swacha, J. (2009). The efficient storage of text documents in digital libraries. Information Technology & Libraries, 28(3), 143-153. doi:10.6017/ital.v28i3.3222 (article)
  • Tariq, M. (2016). Availability and use of online information resources by university research students. (Doctoral dissertation, Hamdard University Karachi, Hamdard Institute of Education and Social Sciences). (dissertation)
  • V, T. (2015). Private engineering and technical colleges get a chance to reflect their strength through develop national library network services for e-resources in India. St. Francis Institute of Management and Research Mumbai. (paper)
  • Walker, W., & Keenan, T. (2015). Do you hear what I see? Assessing Accessibility of Digital Commons and CONTENTdm. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 27(2), 69-87. doi:10.1080/1941126X.2015.1029395 (abstract | article)
  • Williams, S.C. (2007). The sampler platter: An introduction to nine agricultural and food digital projects. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 8(4), 75-82. doi: 10.1080/10496500802083716 (abstract)
  • Yoo, J. (2009). Effects of easy understanding of library user interface on the use of electronic materials in a virtual academic library. The Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 20(1), 59-72. (article)

Hootman, J., & Kahl, C. (2005, November 16). Using technology to increase teaching effectiveness. Presentation at the ISU College of Business, Technology Buffet, Normal, IL.

  • Chase, A.E. (2010). Academic dishonesty in online courses: The influence of students’ characteristics, perception of connectedness, and deterrents. (Doctoral dissertation, Florida Atlantic University). (dissertation)

Green, D., Kahl, C., & Diehl, P. (1998). The price of peace: A predictive model of UN peacekeeping fiscal costs. Policy Studies Journal, 26(4), 620-635. doi:10.1111/j.1541-0072.1998.tb01936.x (abstract)

  • Box-Steffensmeier, J.M., & Jones, B.S. (2004). Event history modeling: A guide for social scientists. New York: Cambridge University Press. (abstract)
  • Chang, W. (2010). Domestic institutional similarity and militarized interstate dispute, 1970-2001. (Doctoral dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University).
  • Derouen Jr., K. (2003). The role of the UN in international crisis termination, 1945-1994. Defence & Peace Economics, 14(4), 251. doi:10.1080/1024269032000000000 (abstract)
  • Diehl, P.F. (2008). Peace operations. Malden, MA: Polity. (abstract)
  • Diehl, P.F., & Balas, A. (2014). Peace operations (2nd ed.) Malden, MA: Polity. (abstract)
  • Fetterly, R. (2006). A review of peacekeeping financing methods. Defence & Peace Economics, 17(5), 395-411. doi: 10.1080/10242690600888189 (abstract)
  • Fielder, M.R. (2000). UN peace operations: Conditions for success. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Idaho). (dissertation)
  • Mills, M. (2011). Introducing survival and event history analysis. Los Angeles; London: SAGE. (abstract)
  • Rabe-Hesketh, S., & Everitt, B. (2007). A handbook of statistical analyses using stata (4th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC. (abstract)
  • Roller, R. (2023). Theory-driven statistics for the digital humanities: Presenting pitfalls and a practical guide by the example of the reformation. Journal of Cultural Analytics, 7(4): 1-25. doi:10.22148/001c.57764. (article)
  • Sheehan, N. (2011). The Economics of UN Peacekeeping. London, New York: Routledge. (abstract)

Green, D., Kahl, C., & Diehl, P. (1998). Predicting the size of UN peacekeeping operations. Armed Forces and Society, 24(4), 485-500. doi:10.1177/0095327X9802400402

  • Adetiba, T.C. (2017). South Africa’s military and peacekeeping efforts: A new paradigm shift in its foreign policy since 1994. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Psychology, 9(5), 157-168. doi:10.22610/jebs.v9i5(J).1920 (article)
  • Brady, C.W. (2010). A content analysis of peacekeeping issues for the journal Armed Forces & Society. (Master’s thesis, Texas State University, San Marcos, Department of Political Science). (thesis)
  • Bruwer, N. (2016). Military psychology in peacekeeping operations. In G.A.J. van Dyk (Ed.) Military psychology for Africa. (pp. 43-65). Stellenbosch, South Africa: Sun Press. doi:10.18820/9781920689964 (Google Books)
  • Bruwer, N., & van Dyk, G.A.J. (2005). The South African peacekeeping experience: A comparative analysis. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 31(2), 30-39. (abstract)
  • Diehl, P.F. (2006). Paths to peacebuilding: The transformation of peace operations. In T. D. Mason, & J. D. Meernik (Eds.), Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Post-War Societies: Sustaining the Peace (pp. 107-129). New York: Routledge. (abstract)
  • —–. (2008). Peace operations. Malden, MA: Polity. (abstract)
  • Diehl, P.F., & Balas, A. (2014). Peace operations (2nd ed.) Malden, MA: Polity. (abstract)
  • Fielder, M.R. (2000). UN peace operations: Conditions for success. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Idaho). (dissertation)
  • Hultman, L., Kathman, J.D., & Shannon, M. (2019). Peacekeeping in the Midst of War. Oxford: Oxford U.P. (abstract)
  • Likoti, F.J. (2006). African military intervention in African conflicts: An analysis of military intervention in Rwanda, the DRC and Lesotho. (Doctoral dissertation, University of the Western Cape, School of Government, Centre for Southern African Studies). (dissertation)
  • Neethling, T. (2000). The peace process in Kosovo: Structures, processes and thoughts on peacekeeping in Africa. African Security Review, 9(1), 29-41. (abstract)
  • Nsia-Pepra, K. (2011) Robust Peacekeeping? Panacea for Human Rights Violations. Peace and Conflict Studies, 18(2), article 4. (article)
  • Passmore, T.J.A. (2020). United Nations peacekeeping and civil conflict. In Oxford Research Encyclopedias, International Studies. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.551 (abstract)
  • Sheehan, N. (2011). The Economics of UN Peacekeeping. London, New York: Routledge. (abstract)
  • Shameem, M. (2007). Evaluation of the contract management process in the united nations for acquiring peacekeeping Operations/Services. (Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School). (thesis)
  • Sigri, U., & Basar, U. (2014). An analysis of assessment of peacekeeping operations. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 26(3), 389-406. doi:10.22883/kjda.2014.26.3.008 (abstract)
  • Svensson, I. (2009). Guaranteeing peace: The credibility of third-party mediators in civil war. In J. Bercovitch, & S. S. Gartner (Eds.), International conflict mediation: New approaches and findings (pp. 115-134). New York: Routledge. (abstract)
  • van Dyk, G.A.J. (2009). The role of military psychology in peacekeeping operations: The South African National Defence Force as an example. Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies, 37(1), 113-135. (article)
  • Wagner, M. (2018). Peacekeepers in the Donbas. Joint Force Quarterly, 91. 37-39. (article)

Kahl, C. (1997). Electronic redlining: Racism on the information superhighway? The Katharine Sharp Review, 4.

  • Duggan, B., & Sharam, A. (2004). Bleak house: The implications of the contest between private utilities and landlords for the non-discretionary income of vulnerable households. (Working Paper No. 9). Institute for Social Research. (paper)
  • Gangadharan, S. P. (2024). Race and digital discrimination. In M Powers (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.1258 (summary)
  • Grubesic, T.H. (2004). The geodemographic correlates of broadband access and availability in the united states. Telematics and Informatics, 21(4), 335-358. doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2004.02.003 (abstract)
  • Hernandez, G.A., Eddy, K. J., & Muchmore, J. (2001). Insurance weblining and unfair discrimination in cyberspace. SMU Law Review, 54(4), 1953-1972. (article)
  • Jackson, C.N. (2003). Divided we fall: The federal government confronts the digital divide. (Doctoral dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University).
  • Sawhney, H., & Jayakar, K.P. (2007). Universal access. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41(1), 159-221. doi: 10.1002/aris.2007.1440410111 (abstract)
  • Sharam, A. (2004). Power, markets, & exclusion: Assessing the effectiveness of social protections in regulated markets: An electricity case study from Victoria (1-875506-21-7). The Financial & Consumer Rights Council. (report)

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