Buckingham, IL
2012 B.S. Chemistry; Illinois State University
Focus of Research:
APCI-MS of arson accelerants and DESI-MS of drugs of abuse and clandestine synthesis precursors.
Mulligan, C. C.; Hall, S. E.; O’Leary, A. E.; Vircks, K. E.; Wieland, J. R. Towards a Versatile Mass Spectrometric Platform for Comprehensive Crime Scene Analytics. 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Applied Topics, Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Hall, S. E.; O’Leary, A. E.; Vircks, K. E.; Mulligan, C. C. Using a Portable Mass Spectrometer for Direct Screening of Arson and Clandestine Drug Laboratory Evidence. 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Applied Topics, Minneapolis, MN, 2013.