The Measuring Information Service Outcomes (MISO) Survey is a standardized survey administered annually to measure satisfaction with IT services. Illinois State participates along with other higher education institutions and can compare aggregate results on standard questions. More information about the survey is available at the MISO web site.
The MISO Survey was last administered at ISU in February 2023, with responses from 19% of undergraduate students sampled, 35% of staff, 31% of graduate students and 36% of faculty. The results related to IT services below are from that survey, which will next be administered in February 2024.
Usage, Importance & Satisfaction
The primary measures of the MISO survey are related to how often IT services are used, how important they are to those that use them, and the level of satisfaction reported by users. Following are the top ten IT services for each category, across all audiences combined (faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students).

Overall IT Importance & Satisfaction
Survey respondents were asked to rate IT services overall for importance and satisfaction. Faculty and staff place more importance on IT services than students do – over 90% of faculty and staff respondents rated overall IT services as “important” or “very important”, as opposed to 80% of graduate students, and 74% of undergraduate students. All audiences are more uniform in their ratings of satisfaction with overall IT services – at least 94% of all audiences rated themselves “somewhat satisfied” or “satisfied”.

Survey respondents were also asked to assign a Net Promoter score to Illinois State’s IT services. Net Promoter scores are a measure of whether an individual would recommend a service to a colleague. Scores can range from -100 to 100, with a score above 0 generally considered good.

The 2023 MISO Survey results provided valuable insights about faculty, staff and student perspectives on IT services, as well as useful direct feedback. More details about the full set of MISO Survey results is available here. Please click on the sections that follow for a list of improvements made by Illinois State IT teams since the last survey, based on your feedback.
Campus Solutions & Course Registration
- The schedule for course registration was changed to spread out the number of students registering at one time, resulting in greatly improved responsiveness at the beginning of registration periods.
- Several important changes were made to improve the advisor experience in Campus Solutions, including adding quick links to the My Advisees page, the ability to create or view advising notes from the Student Search page, and a new form to gather direct feedback from advisors.
- The Academic Requirements Report was renamed to Academic Progress Report to highlight it for students – this very useful report allows students to plan out courses and see progress toward graduation requirements, including the ability to register directly from the page.
Microsoft 365 (Office 365)
- Microsoft OneDrive, which allows documents to be securely stored and accessed from any connected device, is trending up for usage while usage of network drives is trending down. ISU users are also able to collaborate with others outside the University on files stored in OneDrive.
- The level at which spam is filtered was increased, and limits on sending email were introduced to help protect ISU accounts from phishing. DMARC, which provides assurance that incoming messages are legitimate, was also implemented.
- Shared Channels were added to Microsoft Teams, allowing for conversation and collaboration with users outside of the Team (including those outside the University).
- Microsoft Teams and OneDrive were integrated with Canvas.
- A new experience went live in August 2023 for FTIC students to streamline navigation and focus on process enhancements that Admissions has implemented after the pandemic
- Academic Program information related to Major/Minors info is now displaying in My under the My Profile section
- A new version of will launch in 2024, responding to user feedback and requests for more personalized information and customizable navigation.
- Implemented Canvas, ISU’s new learning management system. Canvas is the industry-leading learning management system and is widely used by universities. Faculty have particularly enjoyed using Canvas modules to organize content, SpeedGrader, easy copying of content from course to course, and a general improvement in ease of use. Key improvements in Canvas for students include a mobile app, flexible notification options, a consistent course template, and the calendar, where all due dates may be seen in one location.
- Launched Canvas Studio, an integrated video solution where assignments, discussions and announcements can be done easily via video by both students and instructors, as part of the Canvas implementation.
- Significant effort was put into providing resources to assist instructors and students in the transition to Canvas, including 3211 ReggieNet courses migrated into Canvas to give instructors a head start, 170 workshops for instructors with over 1900 attendees by the Center for Integrated Professional Development (CIPD), and over 100 knowledge base articles created for and the CIPD web site.
Infrastructure Services (Zoom, Wired & Wireless Network, Phones, Research Support)
- An upgrade of the campus wireless network to Wi-Fi 6E is in the pilot stage. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest standard, and will offer higher speeds and less interferences.
- The campus Zoom license was increased, reflecting a continued investment in hybrid learning & working.
- The number of faculty utilizing the High Performance Cluster has doubled, with more graduate assistants assigned to support it, more software, and support of undergraduate research.
- Infrastructure services are continuously improved each year – since the last survey upgrades to the campus network, the fax infrastructure, and a more reliable phone service contract were completed. Relationships with major cellular carriers are being leveraged to find cost-effective ways to bring service to areas of campus where cellular coverage is not strong.
IT User Support & Training
- ISU technology support teams resolved 85,766 tickets, 58% of them within 24 hours of creation
- Followers on the @ISUITHelp Instagram account increased by 32% and followers on the @ISUTechZone account increased by 50%. Both accounts are used to keep faculty, staff, and students informed about IT services and support.
- Of the 807 public knowledge base articles available at, 704 were updated in the past year. 310 articles in that space are new in the last year.
- 8 new departments began using the knowledge management solution, contributing their internal and public knowledge to the collected and searchable body of ISU knowledge available through
- Several colleges partnered to launch a new technology equipment checkout service that makes short-term checkouts of equipment easier for users and IT staff. Hundreds of items are available and have been checked out through this service, the majority of which are student-facing devices.
- 497 loaner laptops were distributed to students, and over 1200 loaner laptops are currently in use overall.
Cybersecurity & Logging In
- Deployed a new account management system that incorporates features such as user-initiated password resets, an enhanced account management page, and an overall reinforcement of our security posture.
- Implemented Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) across all university applications utilizing Central Login. MFA currently serves as the most effective safeguard against the unauthorized exposure or breach of protected personal information that is collected, stored, or otherwise processed in the provision of educational services.
- Elevated the login experience by identifying and removing issues that caused errors during the authentication process in various applications.
- Reduced incident response time to seconds through the implementation of automated actions, swiftly securing and isolating compromised network resources.
- Empowered application administrators with the capability to promptly address vulnerabilities, facilitated by a comprehensive plan aimed at identifying and securing applications susceptible to immediate potential attacks.
Web Sites
- The web team has been preparing and testing a new ISU web search experience that will release in Spring 2024, including more options for filtering searches.
- 75 web sites went live with the new V4 template, an accessible and consistent site format that makes it easier to find needed information. The transition to the new site template involved a deep search for outdated information and dead links.
- The Tech Solutions WEB team has now implemented periodic scans in our web presence to look for broken links to address outdated content.
Classrooms, Computer Labs, & Printing
- Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), a new system for accessing applications and desktops virtually, was implemented. AVD is a more user friendly and flexible system, and also serves as ISU’s virtual computer lab.
- The technology in 60 classrooms was updated.
- Charging outlets were added to every seat in the renovation of CAT Auditorium in the State Farm Hall of Business, in addition to charging stations available in other campus buildings for student use..
- Milner Library improved the current 3D printers as well as adding new printers for the 3D printing service.