I’ll be presenting at the following conferences and am always grateful for the benefit of conversations with other teacher scholars. I’d love to see and learn from you.
National Council of Teachers of English
Homecoming Conference
Friday, July 29, 2022
Louisville, KY
ELATE strand
Co-constructing a language-in-action framework: Homeplace for nurturing ELA teacher candidates’ ability to find inroads for cultivating socially justice
Data from a three-year qualitative study illustrates how co-constructing and revising a language-in-use framework with teacher candidates through course- and fieldwork offers a transferrable process for them to read, analyze, and then decide whether (or not) to act when tensions emerge in their efforts to enact socially just ELA instruction.
National Council of Teachers of English
Annual Convention
Friday, November 18, 2022
Anaheim, CA
Radical listening: Humanizing pedagogies that nurture equitable classroom interactions
In a time when fueling divisiveness has become a badge of honor, shining light on humanizing pedagogies that foster genuine listening is critically important. Drawing on transcripts from research in diverse classrooms, panelists offer concrete methods that support the work and skill of listening as a cornerstone of humanizing pedagogies that foster more inclusive and equitable ELA classrooms.
Taking stock and naming frameworks at play: Teaching pre-service teachers to negotiate the challenges of sticking points in fieldwork
Remaining committed to socially just instruction is no small feat for pre-service teachers who frequently encounter divergent frameworks for teaching and learning in their fieldwork. We identify concrete methods for teaching PSTs how to take stock of and name these emergent challenges, a critical, transferrable negotiation process for responsively enacting socially just instruction.