Masih, S. N., Liew, R. J., & McBride, D. M. (2024) Is precrastination related to updating and inhibition aspects of executive function? Memory, 32(8), 1100-1114.
Black, L. D., & McBride, D. M. (2024). Effects of delay and reminders on time-based prospective memory in a naturalistic task. Memory, 32(7), 947-957.
Marsh, E. M., Kahn, J. H., & McBride, D. M. (2024). Perfectionism cognitions and memory performance: A signal detection analysis of perfectionism-relevant, negative, positive, and neutral words. Current Psychology, 43, 29653-29661.
Coane, J. H., McBride, D. M., Chang, K., Cam, Y., & Marsh, E. M. (2024). Semantic and phonological false memories at short- and long-term tests: Evidence for dissociation across delays. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(12), 2551-2571.
McBride, D. M., Villarreal, S. R., & Salrin, R. L. (2023). Precrastination in cognitive tasks. Current Psychology, 42, 14984-15002.
Coane, J. H., McBride, D. M., Huff, M. J., Chang, K., Marsh, E. M., & Smith, K. A. (2021). Manipulations of list type in the DRM Paradigm: A review of how structural and conceptual similarity affect false memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-15.
McBride, D. M., & Flaherty, M. (2020). Comparing costs in time-based and event-based prospective memory. Memory, 28, 918-925.
Coane, J. H., McBride, D. M., & Xu, S. (2020). The feature boost in false memory: The roles of monitoring and critical item identifiability. Memory, 28, 481-493.
McBride, D. M., Coane, J. H., Xu, S., Feng, Y., & Yu, Z. (2019). Short-term false memories vary as a function of list type. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 2726-2741.
VonderHaar, R. L., McBride, D. M., & Rosenbaum, D. A. (2019). Task order choices in cognitive and perceptual-motor tasks: The cognitive load reduction (CLEAR) hypothesis. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 81, 2517-2525.
Rosenbaum, D. A., Fournier, L. R., Levy-Tzedek, S., McBride, D. M., Rosenthal, R., Sauerberger, K., VonderHaar, R. L., Wasserman, E. A., & Zentall, T. R. (2019). Sooner rather than later: Precrastination rather than procrastination. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28, 229-233.
Wagman, J. B., Thomas, B. J., & McBride, D. M. (2018). Remembering and perceiving affordances for others are continuous processes. Experimental Psychology, 65, 385-392. http://10.1027/1618-3169/a000424
Conte, A. M., & McBride, D. M. (2018). Comparing time-based and event-based prospective memory over short delays. Memory, 26, 936-945. http://10.1080/09658211.2018.1432662
Pazderski, S., & McBride, D. M. (2018). Effects of delay on recognition of happy and angry faces. American Journal of Psychology, 131, 33-40.
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