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DMS CLUB was founded in 2023 by a group of individuals dedicated to sharing their passion for Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science with others. Our Purpose is to create a society that would seek to provide its members with a better understanding of the Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science field while preparing them for full-time employment. This would be achieved by establishing relationships between students, faculty and prospective employers through the exposure of our members to the field of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science and provision of resources for them to succeed now as a student and in the future. Based in Illinois State University, we are an active and enthusiastic College Club with events and activities taking place year-round. We like to keep up the energy and excitement, always welcoming new members to take part. Simply put, we love getting together to do what we love.

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

— George E. P. Box (1919 – 2013)


  1. Connect students to potential employers and Alumni through Club activities such as Career Fairs, Mentorship programs etc.
  2. Learn about careers in statistics and data science in both academia and industry.
  3. Build relationships between students and faculty.
  4. Provide resources for students to succeed in their time at Illinois State University and in the future
  5. Educate and encourage students to pursue both undergraduate and further studies in Statistics.
  6. Expose members to a more practical experience by organizing analytical and quantitative projects and competitions.
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