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  1. Sirisha Sirobhushnam, L. Saunders, S. Sen, R. K. Jayaswal, C. gatto, and B. J. Wilkinson. (2013) Characterization of butyrate kinase from Listeria monocytogenes.  Presented at the 113th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,  May 18-21, Denver, Colorado.
  2. Kiran Tiwari, B. J. Wilkinson and R. K. Jayaswal (2013) Characterization of Twin Arginine Translocase in Listeria monocytogenes. Presented at the 113th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,  May 18-21, Denver, Colorado.
  3. Sengupta, M., Jain, V., Wilkinson, B.J. and R.K. Jayaswal. 2011. Chromatin immune-precipitation identifies genes under direct VraSR regulation in Staphylococcus aureus: Presented at 111th Gen. Meet. ASM, New Orleans, LA.
  4. J. A. Cuaron, S. Dulal, J. Rivera , V. Nagarajan, S. Yang, A. K. Singh, R. K. Jayaswal, B. J. Wilkinson, and J. E. Gustafson. 2010. The Staphylococcus aureus Tea Tree Oil Stimulon.  Presented at the 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,  May 23-27, San Diego, California.
  5. Mrittika Sengupta, Vaibhav Jain, Atul Singh, Brian J. Wilinson, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2009.  Putative Third Player Identified in VraSR Mediated Regulation of Cell-Wall Associated Genes. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference at Waterville, NewHampsire, August 30-September 4, 2009.
  6. Mrittika Sengupta, Vaibhav Jain, Atul Singh, Brian J. Wilinson, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2009. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assays Identify VraSR Regulated Genes in Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 109th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Philadelphia, May 17-21.
  7. A K Singh, Y-M Zhang, K Zhu, C Gatto, R K Jayaswal, C O Rock,and B JWilkinson
  8. 2009. β-Ketoacyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Synthase III (FabH) of Listeria monocytogenes has Increased Preference for the Precursor of Anteiso Fatty Acids over Iso Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Precursors at Low Temperature.  Presented at the 109th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Philadelphia, May 17-21, 2009.
  9. Atul K Singh, Yong-Mei Zhang, Kun Zhu, Craig Gatto, Zhong Li, Radheshyam K Jayaswal, Charles O Rock andBrian J Wilkinson.2008. The FabH of the Psychrotolerant Bacterium Listeria monocytogenes has Further Increased Preference for the Precursor of Anteiso Fatty Acids over Iso Branched-Chain Precursors at Low Temperature. Presented at the 108th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Boston, June1-5, 2008.
  10. Atul K Singh, Yong-Mei Zhang, Kun Zhu, Craig Gatto, Zhong Li, Radheshyam K Jayaswal, Charles O Rock andBrian J Wilkinson.2008. The FabH of Listeria monocytogenes has increased preference for the precursor of anteiso fatty acids at low temperature. International Conference on Gram-positive Pathogens, Omaha, NE, October 5-8, 2008
  11. Steidl, R. J.,  S. L. Pearson, R. E. Stephenson, N. Ledala, B. J. Wilkinson, R. K. Jayaswal. 2007. Construction of cell wall stress stimulon gene lacZ fusion strains of S. aureus for potential use in high throughput screening for novel cell wall-active antibiotics. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference at Les Diablerets, Switzerland, Sept 1-7, 2007.
  12. Singh, V.,  S. Utaida, L. S. Jackson, R. K. Jayaswal, B. J. Wilkinson, and N. R. Chamberlain. 2007.  Role for dnaK locus in tolerance of multiple stresses in Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference at Les Diablerets, Switzerland, Sept 1-7, 2007.
  13. Steidl, R. J.,  S. L. Pearson, R. E. Stephenson, N. Ledala, B. J. Wilkinson, R. K. Jayaswal. 2007. Construction of cell wall stress stimulon gene lacZ fusion strains of S. aureus for potential use in high throughput screening for novel cell wall-active antibiotics. Presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,Toronto, Canada.
  14. Singh, V.,  S. Utaida, L. S. Jackson, R. K. Jayaswal, B. J. Wilkinson, and N. R. Chamberlain. 2007.  Role for dnaK locus in tolerance of multiple stresses in Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,Toronto, Canada
  15. N.  Ledala, Stacy Pearson, B. J. Wilknson and R.K. Jayaswal. 2006. Molecular characterization of ferric uptake regulator (FUR) from Listeria monocytogenes. Presented at the 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando, Florida.
  16. S. Sitthisak, X. Gaudin, R. K. Jayaswal. 2006. Characterization of a copper transport operon from Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando, Florida.
  17. Muthaiyan, A., J.A. Silverman, R.K. Jayaswal, and B.J. Wilkinson. 2005. Transcriptional profiling reveals that daptomycin induces the Staphylococus aureus cell wall stress stimulon. Presented at the 45th Inter Sci. Con. Antimicrob. Agents. Chemother., Washington DC
  18. Wilkinson B.J., A. Muthaiyan, and R. K. Jayaswal.2005. Cell wall stress stimulan in Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Staphylococcal Diseases, Newport, RI. August  21-26.
  19. Muthiyan A., R. K. Jayaswal, and Brian J. Wilkinson. 2005. Genome wide transcriptional profiling of S. aureus cold shock response.Presented at the 105th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA, June 5-9.
  20. Ledala, N. Brian J. Wilkinson, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2005. Oxacillin induced changes in autolysin of methicillin susceptible and methicillin-resistant S. aureus.Presented at the 105th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta,GA June5-9.
  21. Sitthisak, S., Kevin Howieson, Claudia Amezola, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2005. Characterization of multicopper oxidase from Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 105th General Meeting of the ASM, Atlanta, GA June 5-9.
  22. Muthaiyan, J. L. Schmidt, R. K. Jayaswal, and B. J. Wlkinson. 2004. Cell wall composition and decreased autolysis and lysostaphin-susceptibility in vancomycin-resistant S. aureus.  Presented at the 104th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans. May 21-24, 2004.
  23. Roger Pechous, Sarah Scybert, Sutthirat Sitthisak, Mathew J. Nadakavukaren, Brian J. Wilkinson and R. K. Jayaswal. 2003. Characterization of NaCl-sensitive mutant of Staphylococcus aureus which has a Tn917-lacZ insertion in its ars operon. Presented at the 103rd General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Washington DC. May18-22, 2003.
  24. Utaida, S.,  P. M. Dunman,  D. Macapagal, E. Murphy, S. J. Projan,  V. K. Singh, R. K. Jayaswal,  and B. J. Wilkinson. 2003. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of the response of Staphylococcus aureus to cell wall-active antibiotics reveals a cell wall stress stimulon. Presented at the ASM Annual Meeting on Infectious Diseases, Chicago, IL, September 14-17, 2003.
  25. Utaida, S.,  P. M. Dunman,  D. Macapagal, E. Murphy, S. J. Projan,  V. K. Singh, R. K. Jayaswal,  and B. J. Wilkinson. 2003. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of the response of Staphylococcus aureus to cell wall-active antibiotics reveals a cell wall stress stimulon. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference, Oxford University, England, September 7-12, 2003.
  26. Jennifer L. Schmidt, Arunachalam Muthaiyan, R. K. Jayaswal, Kerstin Ehlert, Harald Labischinski, and Brian J. Wilkinson. 2003. Cell wall composition and decreased autolysis and lysostaphin-susceptibility of glycopeptide-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the NIH/NIAID Region V Great Lakes Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, December 12-13, 2003.
  27. Singh,V. K., B. J. Wilkinson, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2002. “Antibiotic induced gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus” Presented at the 102st General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Salt Lake City, Utah, May19-24, 2002.
  28. S. Krishnanchettiar, V. R. Vydianathapuram, A. Sayed, A. Murthi, V. K. Singh, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2001. Fur (ferric uptake regulator) regulated gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 101st General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Chicago, IL, May 21-25.
  29. V. K. Singh, S. Scybert, R. K. Jayaswal, and B. J. Wilkinson. 2001. The msrA operon in Staphylococcus aureus is highly induced in response to cell wall-active antibiotics and is critical for H2O2 tolerance. Presented at the 101st General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Chicago, IL, May 21-25.
  30. Singh,V. K., B. J. Wilkinson, and R. K. Jayaswal. 2001Staphylococcus aureus methionine sulfoxide reductase (msrA), contributes to oxidative defense, and is highly induced by cell wall-active antibiotics. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference, Roger Williams University, RI, August 12-17.
  31. Singh, V.K., R.K. Jayaswal, and B.J. Wilkinson. 2000. Oxacillin-Inducible Proteins of Staphylococcus aureus. 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Los Angeles, CA, May 21-25.
  32. Uebel, M., A. Xiong, V.K. Singh, S. Krishnanchettiar, C.S. Baranyk, G.L. Cabrera, and R.K. Jayswal. 2000. Molecular Characterization of the Ferric Uptake Regulator, Fur, from Staphylococcus aureus. 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Los Angeles, CA, May 21-25.
  33. Cabrera, G., S. Coates,  K.J. Lockwood, V.K. Singh, and R.K. Jayaswal. 2000. Potential of yeast toxins as cell cycle control agents for cancer therapy  100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Los Angeles, CA, May 21-25.
  34. Zhu, K., A. Xiong, R. K. Jayaswal, P. D. Morse, II and B. J. Wilkinson. 2000. Transposon insertions in branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase.  Abstr. Annu. Mtg. Intl. Assocn. for Food Protection.
  35. Singh, V. K., T. Usgaard, A. Xiong, S. Chakrabarti, T.K. Misra, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1999. The chromosomal zntR gene of Staphylococcus aureus encodes a trans-acting metalloregulatory protein. 99th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology held in Chicago, IL, USA , May 30-June 03, H-174a.
  36. Xiong, G. Cabrera, A. Quinn, S. Coates, V.K. Singh, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1999. Cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of genes involved in the regulation and uptake of iron in Staphylococcus aureus. 99th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology held in Chicago, IL, USA , May 30-June 03.
  37. Pfeltz, R.F., V.K. Singh, J.L. Schmidt, C.E. Tuttle, M.J. Nadakavukaren, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1999. Cell wall properties and autolytic activities of passage selected glycopeptide-intermediate susceptibility Staphylococcus aureus. 99th General Meeting of the ASM held in Chicago, IL, USA, May 30-June 03.
  38. Quinn, A., S. Coats,  M. Tayidi, L. Baddour, and R. Deresiewicz, R. K. Jayaswal. 1999. Characterization of novel Staphylococcus aureus virulence genes utilizing in vivo expression technology.  99th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology held in Chicago, IL, USA, May 30-June 03.
  39. R. K. Jayaswal, A. Xiong, Singh, V.K., T. Usgaard, , S. Chakrabarti, T.K. Misra, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1999. The chromosomal zntR gene of Staphylococcus aureus encodes a trans-acting metalloregulatory protein.Presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Staphylococcal Disease, May 9-14, 1999, Il Ciocco, Barga, Itly.
  40. L. Ramadurai, Tom Usgaard, V. K. Singh, Ryan Matika, and R.K. Jayaswal.1998. Analysis of an autolytic gene from Staphylococcus carnosus. Presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology at Atlanta, May 17-21, 1998.
  41. Xiong, Chis Baranyk, Kathy Lockwood, Anita Quinn, and R. K. Jayaswal. 1998. Cloning and characterization of a gene conferring resistance to zinc and cobalt ions in Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, May 17-21.
  42. L. Ramadurai and R. K. Jayaswal.1998. Analysis of lytic gene present in an autolyis-defective mutant of Staphylococcus aures. Presented at Eli Lily Co. Indianapolis, June 23.
  43. L. Ramadurai and R. K. Jayaswal.1998. Cloning and characterization of a unique autolysin gene from Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at DuPont Co., Delware, on July 9.
  44. U. Vijaranakul, K. Lockwood, B. J. Wilkinson and R. K. Jayaswal.1997.Cloning and characterization of agene conferring NaCl-sensitivity in S. aureus. Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Miami Beach, May 4-7.
  45. Xiong, S. Nguyen, T. Usgaard and R.K. Jayaswal.1997. Analysis of a gene regulating the expression of autolysins in S. aureus. Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology at Miami Beach, May 4-7.
  46. L. Ramadurai, and R. K. Jayaswal.1997. Cloning and characterization of lytM, a unique gene of S. aureus. Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology at Miami Beach, May 4-7.
  47. R. K. Jayaswal.1997. Analysis of staphylococcal lytic genes. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference held at Anover, New Hamshire, July 29-August 1.
  48. R. K. Jayaswal.1996. Regulation of autolysins in S. aureus. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology at New Orleans, May 21-25.
  49. R. K. Jayaswal.1996. Regulation of autolysins in S. aureus. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections, Aix-les-Bains, France 23-26 June.
  50. L. Ramadurai, and R. K. Jayaswal.1996. Molecular cloning and characterization of a lytic gene from Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology at New Orleans.
  51. U. Vijaranakul, M. Nadakavukaren,  D. Bayles, B. J. Wilkinson and R. K. Jayaswal. 1996. Characterization of Salt-sensitive mutants of S. aureus. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology at New Orleans.
  52. Uriwan Vijaranakul, and R. K. Jayaswal. 1995. Alternation in the peptidoglycan interbridge and increased cell size of NaCl stressed S. aureus and its reversal by glycine betaine. Presented at the Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C., May 22-25.
  53. Luckmini Weerakoon, and R. K. Jayaswal.1995. Mechanism of host cell lysis by bacteriophage f11 of S. aureus. Presented at the Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C., May 22-25.
  54. Vijaranakul U., B. J. Wilkinson, and R. K. Jayaswal. 1995. Initial characterization of salt-sensitive mutants of Staphylococcus aureus. Presented by Dr. Wilkinson at the Gordon Research Conference held at Irsee, Germany, Oct.1-6.
  55. N. Mani and R.K. Jayaswal 1995. Nagraj Mani presented a seminar at Myco Pharmaceuticals Inc., Kendall, Cambridge, Mass., on May 1,: Molecular analysis of the autolytic system of S. aureus.
  56. L.M. Baddour, N. Mani, R.A. Proctor, M.M. Tayidi, D. Barr, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1994. Virulence comparisons of an autolysis-defective mutant of Staphylococcus aureus.  Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  57. N. Mani, U. Vijaranakul, M. Nadakavukaren and R.K. Jayaswal. 1994. Further characterization of an autolysis-defective mutant of Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  58. R.K. Jayaswal , N. Mani,  L.M. Baddour, D.Q Offutt, U. Vijaranakul, M.J. and Nadakavukaren. 1993. Tn917-lacZ insertion mutant of S. aureus defective in autolysis shows pleiotrophic phenotype. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference, Anover, New Hamshire, 8-13 Aug.
  59. R.K. Jayaswal and R.S. Upadhyay. 1993Pseudomonas cepacia: A potential antagonist of fungal plant pathogens. Presented in Proceeding of 80th Session of Indian Science Congress, January, 1993, Goa, India.
  60. P.J. Tobin, N. Mani, S. Borchardt, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1993. Effect of physiological conditions on the autolysis of S.aureus strains. Presented at 93rd Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, Georgia,  8-13 May..
  61. N. Mani, P. Tobin, and R.K. Jayaswal. 1993. Studies on autolysis-defective mutants of S. aureus created by Tn917-lacZ mutagenesis. Presented at 93rd Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, Georgia,  8-13 May.
  62. X. Wang, N. Mani, B.J. Wilkinson & R.K. Jayaswal. 1992. Molecular characterization of S.aureus gene encoding a peptidoglycan hydrolase activity. Presented at 92rd Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
  63. X. Wang, B.J. Wilkinson & R.K. Jayaswal. 1991. Sequence analysis of amidase from S. aureus. Presented at 91st Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, 5-9 May, Dallas, Texas.
  64. L. Visintin, R.S. Upadhyay and R.K. Jayaswal. 1991. Studies on antagonism of P.  cepacia. Presented at 1991 Annual Meeting of the American  Phytopathological Society, St. Louis, MO.
  65. R.K. Jayaswal, X. Wang and B.J. Wilkinson. 1991. Analysis of S. aureus amidase gene. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference, 4-9 August, Newport, RI.
  66. R.K. Jayaswal, Y-I Lee, and B.J. Wilkinson. 1990.  Molecular cloning and expression of N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase from S. aureus in E. coli. Presented at 90th Annual Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, 13-17 May, Anaheim, CA.
  67. R. Gupta, R.K. Jayaswal and L. Lucher. 1990.  Effect of DNA topoiso-merase II- targeting antitumor drugs on N. crassa DNA topoisomerase II. Presented at Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of America, 24-28 June, Madison, WI.
  68. R.K. Jayaswal, R. schroeder, and M. Fernandez 1990.  Characterization of a Pseudomonas strain for suppression of corn disease. Presented an International Symposium on Pseudomonas, 9-13 July, Chicago, IL.
  69. C. C. Chang, R. K. Jayaswal and C. Chen.1989. Altered iminodiacid synthesis and OCS transcription in crown-gall tumors with transposon Tn5 insertions in the end of OCS.  Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Plant Physiologist, July 30-Aug. 3, Ontario, Canada.
  70. R. K. Jayaswal. 1987.  The functional analysis of virD region of pTiA6.  Presented at the 8th Annual Midwest Crown Gall Meeting, University of Illinois, Champaign/ Urbana, IL.  Nov. 17, 1987.
  71. R. K. Jayaswal. 1986. Analysis of the structure and expression of the virD region of pTiA6.  Presented at the Seventh Annual Midwest Crown-Gall Meeting, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.  Nov. 22.
  72. S. B. Gelvin, K. Veluthambi, R. K. Jayaswal.1986.  The early events in the T-DNA transfer.  Presented at the UCLA Symposium at Keystone. 
  73. K. Veluthambi, R. K. Jayaswal and S. B. Gelvin.1986.  Role of the vir gene in T-DNA excision.  Presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Plant Molecular Biology at New Hampshire, June 8-13.
  74. K. Veluthambi, R. K. Jayaswal, C. Hallberg and S. B. Gelvin. 1986.  Molecular genetics of A. tumefaciens-plant interaction.  Presented at the International Eukaryotic Transposable Elements Meeting, Cold Spring harbor, New York, May 7-11.
  75. R. K. Jayaswal, E. L. Virts and S. B. Gelvin. 1985.  Use of cocultivation technique to study the early events in the transfer and integration of the T-DNA into the plant genome.  Presented at First International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology at Savannah, GA.
  76. E. L. Virts, R. K. Jayaswal and S. B. Gelvin. 1985. Transfer of the T-DNA from Agrobacterium to plant cells.  Presented at Sixth International Congress on Phytopathogenic Bacteria, Univ. of Maryland, June 2-7.
  77. R. K. Jayaswal, R. A. Bressan and A. K. Handa.1985. Transfer of bacteriophage P1KMC1r100 to Erwinia carotovora and evidence for its integration into the chromosome.  Presented at 85th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, NE.
  78. R. K. Jayaswal, R. A. Bressan and A. K. Handa.1984. Mud1 induced mutagenesis to study the genetics of phytopathogenicity of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora.  Presented at the Europian Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) workshop on soft rot Erwiniae, Marseille, France.
  79. R. K. Jayaswal, R. A. Bressan, A. G. Korty and A. K. Handa.1984.  Use of Mud1 induced mutagenesis to study the regulation of pathogenicity of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora.  Presented in Molecular Form and Function of the Plant Genome at Renesse, The Netherlands, 4-14 July.
  80. R. K. Jayaswal, R. A. Bressan and A. K. Handa.1984.  Mu mutagenesis of phytopathogenic E. carotovora.  Presented at 84th Annual Meeting of American Society of Microbiology, St. Louis, MO.
  81. R. K. Jayaswal, R. A. Bressan and A. K. Handa. 1981.  Regulation of toxin synthesis of Alternaria solani.  Presented at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Plant Physiologist, Quebec, Canada.
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