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Faculty and Staff

Dr. Pete Smith

Program Director
Professor, Motor Learning, BS and MS University of Wales (Bangor), Ph.D. University of Houston, Research on attentional focus and task complexity.

Dr. Tony Amorose

Professor, Sport and Exercise Psychology, BS and MS Miami (OH) University, Ph.D. University of Virginia. Research on sport and physical activity motivation, coaching effectiveness, and youth development through sport and physical activity.

Chris Carter

Instructional Assistant Professor, Teaches courses on Coaching and Anatomy & Physiology, BS and MS Illinois State University.

Dr. Karen Dennis

Instructional Assistant Professor, Internship Coordinator and teaches our ECG class, BS Mennonite College of Nursing, MS and Ed.D. Illinois State University, Fulbright Scholar, Research on heart rate variability.

Aaron Harwick

Instructional Assistant Professor, teaches our Introduction to Exercise Science and Anatomy & Physiology courses, BS and MS Illinois State University.

Dr. Tyler Kybartas

Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology, Cardiorespiratory function and neuromuscular fitness, BS and MS University of Wyoming, Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Research on children’s motivation for physical activity.

Dr. Kristen Lagally

FACSM, ACSM-CEP, M.S. and Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology, University of Pittsburgh . Research on Perceived Exertion, Exercise Testing, Exercise is Medicine on Campus. 

Dr. Kelly Laurson

Professor of Exercise Physiology, Statistics, Director Active for Life, BA Central College (IA), MS Illinois State University, Ph.D. Iowa State University, Outstanding University Researcher, Research on epidemiology of physical activity, youth fitness.

Dr. Marcel Lopes dos Santos

Assistant Professor of Biomechanics, BS University of Campinas (Brazil), MS Illinois State University, Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, Research on resistance training and biomechanics.

Dr. Samantha McDonald

Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology, BS Southern Oregon University, MS Oregon State University, Ph.D. University of South Carolina, Research on exercise and pregnancy.

Dr. Anna Miles

Instructional Assistant Professor, BS and MS Illinois State University, Ph.D. University of Illinois, Research on messaging and barriers to physical activity.

Dr. Scott Pierce

Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC), BS University of Otago (New Zealand), MS Miami (OH) University, Ph.D. Michigan State University. Research on athlete psychosocial development through sport and coach education.

Dr. David Thomas

FACSM – Professor of Exercise Science, BS Penn State University, MS and Ph.D. Arizona State University, Research on obesity prevention and physical activity.

Dr. Mike Torry

Director of Biomechanics Research Lab and Professor of Biomechanics; BS, MS – Illinois State University; Ph.D. – Southern Illinois University, Research Director, OSF Illinois Neurological Institute; Research Focus on: injury biomechanics of knee, hip and shoulder, rehabilitation engineering, neuromuscular movement disorders including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and traumatic brain injury.

Academic Advisors:

Megan Taylor

BA Hiram (OH) College and MS Miami (OH) University. Megan Taylor is an academic advisor who has been at ISU since 2016. Ms. Taylor has a master’s degree in exercise and health studies, and an undergrad degree in biology. She has a passion for exercise science, as well as an interest in academia overall. Helping students reach their goals has always been her main goal.

Summary provided by Ex Sci student Cody Kurcab.

Daphyne Walker

BS and MS Illinois State University. Daphyne Walker is an academic advisor who has been at ISU for 21 years. She has a master’s degree in higher education and a love for exercise science. Her passion is helping students find their way in the program, as well as guiding them along at ISU.

Summary provided by Ex Sci student Cody Kurcab.

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