ECO 441 Advanced Macroeconomics
This class introduces modern methods in macroeconomics while making connections to the intuitions from intermediate level graphs as well as current policy issues. Students learn how empirical analysis is used to test and interpret theory to get experience with the conduct of macroeconomics research.
More information is in the textbook for the class:
ECO 439 Time Series Econometrics and Forecasting
In this class, we study the theory and practice of single variable time series models, including different models of trends, and multiple equation models such as vector auto-regressions. Unit root tests and volatility models are topics of particular interest. Monte Carlo experiments is a methodology of particular interest that opens the door to estimation techniques “off the menu.”
ECO 215 Money and Banking
Financial markets link borrowers and savers in an economy, which is related to micro topics such as individuals decisions about how much money to hold to macro issues such as monetary policy. The need for banks and banking decisions as well as the history and regulation of the industry are important topics.
ECO 241 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics is the study of a nation’s economy as a whole, as opposed to microeconomics, which focuses on the behavior of individual firms and consumers. Macroeconomics explains the movement of aggregate variables such as GDP, inflation and unemployment. The determinants of short run changes, such as recessions, and long run growth. Whether and how policy affects the macroeconomy is the ultimate goal.