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Virtually Human: Science, Art, and the 21st Century Self

Mission Statement

Given this increase in the prospective nature of our world, it is imperative we better understand our prospective abilities and the ways they are coupled with the larger scale prospective dynamics of groups and culture. The IPC is committed to this mission and has organized this speaker series as a means of engaging both the scholarly community and the public at large in an extended conversation regarding the changing nature of  21st century art and science, the transformations these changes will undoubtedly usher into 21st century culture, and the pressures and opportunities these transformations will present to the 21st century self.

Since the fall of 2008, the IPC has organized and obtained funding for one internationally renowned speaker per semester. These funds have been procured from various Illinois State University entities including The Sage Foundation, The Fell Trust Foundation, the College of Arts and Sciences, and various departments whose interests are reflected by a particular speaker.

Other Speakers

In addition to /Virtually Human/ speakers, the IPC organizes talks by renowned scholars whose work speaks to the prospective nature of the human condition.

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