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A Governing Board, consisting of a representatives from each of the four universities and from each of the participating sites, meets four times a year and interacts via a Consortium Listserv in order to develop policies and procedures.  Representatives from the intern cohort and a representative from the diversity mentors participate on the governing board as well. The Governing Board is chaired by the ISPIC Training Director.   A subgroup of the Governing Board, the Finance Committee, monitors the allocation of monetary resources.   The Personnel Committee monitors the performance of the Training Director and selects intern representatives. The Development Committee responds to requests from entities wishing to become partnering sites and assists in monitoring quality assurance. The Interns’ Committee tends to concerns by and about interns. Finally, a Diversity Committee oversees the refinement of the training curriculum, climate, and recruitment efforts.

In consultation with the Governing Board, the ISPIC office, which is located on the campus of Illinois State University, is responsible for the entire operation of the consortium including orchestrating the consortium-wide planned, programmed sequence of training activities, coordinating the recruitment, application and interviewing process, and maintaining documentation/evaluation of intern experiences and performance. Intern stipends are paid directly to interns by the participating sites.   Each partnering site has developed its own training component, which supports the developmental process of the intern within the particular setting; however, the overall quality and coordination of experiences is monitored by ISPIC training director.  

Updated 10/25/2024

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