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ISPIC’s internship plan is organized around the Profession-Wide Competencies. Interns are evaluated on the performance indicators (left column) periodically throughout the internship year, and they complete a portfolio of work products demonstrating competency (right column).

PWC 1:  ResearchPresents workshop, in-service, or course

Completes research project
Applies research design and data analysis techniques when conducting research/program evaluation. 
Evaluates psychometric properties when selecting assessment methods. 
Applies knowledge of professional literature and research findings to all aspects of professional practice. 
Accesses and critically evaluates current research. 
Provides information about relevant research findings to school personnel, parents, and the public. 
Charts student progress on   measures sensitive to incremental change 
Routinely follows up with implementers to ensure treatment integrity 
Uses data to evaluate outcomes of services and to facilitate accountability 
Uses data to identify factors that influence functioning at the individual, classroom, or building levels. 
Designs, implements, monitors, and evaluates programs that promote school, family, and/or community partnerships and enhance outcomes for students. 
Assists school personnel and other agency administrators with the interpretation of data to evaluate classroom, and/or building level programs. 
PWC 2: Ethical & Legal StandardsCompletes Ethics Assignment
Practices in full accordance with APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct & NASP Principles for Professional Ethics. 
Identifies complex ethical and legal issues, analyzes them, & proactively addresses them 
Follows legal, regulatory, and ethical parameters in record keeping and communicates information responsibly to others in compliance with confidentiality/privacy requirements 
Develops strategies to seek consultation regarding complex ethical & legal dilemmas 
Proactively addresses concerns regarding professional behavior of others. 
PWC 3: Individual & Cultural Diversity Engages in two immersion experiences

Presents case to cohort highlighting diversity

Provides services to families
Recognizes the subtle racial, class, gender, cultural, and other biases and the ways in which these biases influence decision making, instruction, behavior, and long-term outcomes for students. 
Demonstrates sensitivity and other skills needed to work with families, students, and staff with diverse characteristics. 
Uses nondiscriminatory evaluation procedures. 
Incorporates information about students, families, cultures, and communities in assessments, interventions, and evaluations of progress. 
Promotes practices that help students and families of all backgrounds feel welcome and appreciated in the school. 
Works effectively with school personnel to promote supportive learning environments (e.g. anti-bullying programs) 
Considers students’ abilities in their primary and secondary languages and the effects of second language learning when designing assessments and planning interventions. 
PWC 4: Professional values, attitudes & behaviorsCompletes Cultural Self-Awareness Project

Complete Leadership Project
Prepares for & utilizes supervision to become increasingly independent 
Consistently conducts self in a professional manner across settings & situations 
Anticipates and self-identifies disruptions in professional functioning and intervenes early 
Regulates affect during unexpectedly intense circumstances; seeks supervision and uses available resources to effectively manage the situation. 
Routinely engages in self-care 
Elicits and incorporates constructive feedback 
Reflects on performance, accurately assesses own strengths and weaknesses 
Develops mutually supportive relationships with professional colleagues 
Participates in personal continuing professional development/Takes initiative in learning new strategies/techniques 
Completes > 600 hours in the school and >2000 total internship hours. 
Attends ISPIC training seminars & completes assigned readings/projects 
Promptly completes ISPIC forms and logs. 
Develops one’s identity as a doctoral-level school, & health service psychologist 
Maintains useful and accurate records  of services provided. 
Demonstrates knowledge current public policy issues impacting educational and mental health service delivery systems 
PWC: 5 Communication & Interpersonal SkillsLeads a problem-solving team
Articulates assessment findings in a manner that is understandable for the intended audience. 
Demonstrates appropriately assertive/direct verbal and non-verbal communications within the professional context 
Participates in collaborative decision-making and problem solving with other professionals to achieve student success. 
Demonstrates positive interpersonal skills and shows patience in difficult situations through use of active listening, conflict resolution and group facilitation skills. 
Communicates clearly with diverse audiences (e.g., parents, teachers, school boards, policy makers, community leaders, colleagues). 
Effectively leads problem-solving teams with attention to positive tone, time-management, and accountability. 
PWC: 6 AssessmentCompletes Traditional Initial Evaluations and/or Reevaluations

Completes “Response to Intervention” Evaluations

Completes personality assessment involving differential diagnosis (DSM5)
Collects assessment results and other environmental data to identify student needs, establish goals, and design intervention strategies. 
Accurately administers, scores, and interprets standardized measures of cognition, achievement and social-emotional functioning. 
Prepares clearly written reports that address referral questions appropriately, report data accurately, and provide guidance for interventions. 
Selects, implements, and integrates multiple methods of assessment reflecting an awareness of student characteristics 
Provides meaningful, useful feedback tied to the selection of evidence-based interventions 
Incorporates relevant developmental and ecological factors in diagnosis and intervention planning 
Reports include discussion of strength and limitations of measures and/or interpretation as appropriate 
PWC: 7 Intervention Utilizes empirically-supported mental health interventions

Completes “Risk of Harm” Assessment

Conducts individual, group, & family therapy

Participates in prevention or early intervention program

Utilizes empirically-supported academic interventions

Utilizes empirically-supported behavioral treatments.

Conducts a skill-building group.
Assists parents and other caregivers with the development and implementation of behavior change programs in the home. 
Develops methods to assist teachers and families in teaching pro-social behavior to students. 
Demonstrates ability to establish rapport and maintain appropriate boundaries. 
Demonstrates knowledge of psychopathology and psychopharmacology. 
Conceptualizes cases using various theoretical orientations 
Provides empirically supported interventions to individuals/ groups, addressing social-emotional factors 
Provides empirically supported interventions to individuals/ groups, addressing academic factors 
Participates in the development and implementation of instructional strategies for students at different stages of development, including those who do not meet academic expectations 
Evaluate individuals’ risk of harm to self and others and engage in appropriate safety planning and follow-up. 
Applies the principles of behavior change to enhance student behavior/performance at the individual/classroom level. 
Applies the principles of generalization and transfer of training to the development of interventions. 
Effectively adapts intervention to address student needs. 
PWC 8: SupervisionCompletes Supervision Project
Articulates a philosophy or model of supervision and reflects on how the model is applied in practice. 
Integrates and encourages self-care practices within supervision philosophy 
Integrates and encourages culturally competent practices with supervisory philosophy 
Reflects on one’s effective use of supervision as supervisee and supervisor 
Provides supervision to less advanced trainees, peers or others. 
PWC: 9 Consultation & Interprofessional/interdisciplinary skillsCompletes Systems-Level Consultation Project

Actively participates on committee or administrative project
Uses knowledge and skills in consultation/ collaboration to promote change at the individual, classroom, building, district, and/or other agency levels. 
Analyzes group performance and assists school personnel in developing and monitoring goals. 
Demonstrates knowledge of and skills involved in systems-change process 
Empowers students, their families/guardians, educators, and others to gain access to and effectively use school and community resources. 
Collaborates with parents/guardians/teachers when designing interventions. 
With properly signed releases, coordinates with other professionals in mental health, legal, medical, social service, and recreational programs involved with identified student. 
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