A 9-item measure of a doctoral advisee’s competence with respect to research skills. Completed by the doctoral student’s advisor.
Schlosser, L. Z., & Kahn, J. H. (2007). Dyadic perspectives on advisor-advisee relationships in counseling psychology doctoral programs. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54(2), 211–217.
Please rate your advisee on the 5-point scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
My advisee has …
1. …knowledge of research designs such as traditional experimental designs, quasi-experimental designs appropriate for field settings, single-subject designs, and survey designs.
2. …knowledge of qualitative research designs, such as grounded theory and consensual qualitative research.
3. …an understanding of research design issues such as validity, methods of sampling, and power.
4. …knowledge of the statistical analyses commonly used in counseling research and when to use them based on the hypothesis to be tested.
5. …an understanding of statistical issues, such as the role of assumptions, hypothesis testing strategies, and confirmatory versus exploratory analyses.
6. …the ability to perform a statistical analysis with computer assistance and interpret computer printouts.
7. …the writing skills necessary to effectively write Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections of a thesis, dissertation, or journal length manuscript.
8. …the ability to integrate research with the literature by identifying needed areas of research, developing a logical rationale for a research idea, and generating testable research questions.
9. …the ability to effectively collect data, such as the ability to attend to all relevant details of data collection, keep records during the research project, and/or train a team of raters.
Sum responses to the 9 items to attain a score that can range from 9 to 45. Higher scores indicate higher research competence.