A 9-item self-report measure of a graduate student’s past scholarly accomplishments as well as current scholarly activity.
Kahn, J. H., & Scott, N. A. (1997). Predictors of research productivity and science-related career goals among counseling psychology graduate students. The Counseling Psychologist, 25(1), 38–67.
The following items assess research accomplishments and current involvement in research activities. Please answer the following questions based on your past and current research involvement.
_____ 1. How many published manuscripts (either empirical or otherwise) have you authored or coauthored in a refereed journal? (include manuscripts in press)
_____ 2. How many unpublished empirical manuscripts have you authored or coauthored (not including your thesis or dissertation)?
_____ 3. How many articles have you submitted to refereed journals?
_____ 4. How many manuscripts are you currently in the process of preparing to submit for publication (i.e., writing the manuscript)?
_____ 5. How many presentations have you made at local, regional, or national conventions?
_____ 6. How many presentations are you currently in the process of preparing to submit for presentation (i.e., writing an abstract)?
_____ 7. How many local, regional, or national research conventions have you attended?
Y N 8. Are you currently involved in gathering data (do not include your thesis or dissertation)?
Y N 9. Are you currently conducting statistical analyses on data (do not include your thesis or dissertation)?
The SAS is scored as a checklist. A score of 1 is given to each item in which the student had some involvement in the particular activity, no matter how much, and a score of 0 indicates that the student had no experience in that activity. The 9 items are summed to create a total index of scholarly activity (ranging from 0 to 9), with higher scores reflecting greater activity.