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Applying to Graduate Schools

Finding and Choosing Programs

• Identify programs with relevant specializations (field or sub-field). 

• Search online using key words. 

• Speak with your advisor.

• Seek advice from faculty in relevant fields.

• Search websites for schools to see what their programs entail. 

• Review web pages for particular programs or departments. Explore courses offered, faculty publications and interests, and other resources.

• An informative guide to the application process from UC Berkeley (link)

• ISU Career Services

• Upcoming event on Friday, Feb.3. ISU Graduate School Series: Admission Secrets (link).

Some Things to Consider

• Financial Support: In addition to financial assistance available for particular graduate programs, you may seek outside scholarships and fellowships. Example: ISU Graduate School Financial Assistance page (link)

• Opportunities for internships or other relevant work experience (as in the ACED program at ISU, which Dr. Hendricks can speak to).

• Program profile and reputation

• Career Opportunities

• Location

The Application Process

• Deadlines: Application deadlines vary substantially, but typically start in late Fall (end of October) and continue through early Spring (Dec.-March.) The Politics and Government MS program application deadline is March 1.

• Required Tests: GRE exam scores are required by some but not all schools. We currently do not require GRE scores.

• GRE website: (link)

• Transcripts: Request official transcripts be sent at least two weeks prior to application deadline. 

• ISU Transcript request: (link)

• Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose: Introduce yourself in personal terms, identifying your motivations as well as your qualifications. Speak to your interest in the program, referencing specific sub-specializations and faculty expertise (note: some faculty may go on leave or retire, etc., so you may wish to reference more than one faculty member).  

• Writing Sample: Choose something that best exemplifies your writing and research abilities, preferably an academic research essay in a relevant field. A 10-20pp. sample is appropriate, but you may submit a longer essay such as a senior thesis. Published work is of value only if relevant.

• Letters of Recommendation: The impact of a recommendation letter is greater if the writer identifies specific, exceptional aptitudes and/or if person reading them is acquainted with the recommender.

• Accepting an offer: Programs will specify deadlines for accepting offers of admission and/or financial support.

Graduate (MS) Program in Politics and Government, ISU

• Political Science MS Program and specialized sequences (link). Scroll down for information on the Graduate Program.

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