Carl Schmitt and the Intensification of Politics. Rowman and Littlefield, 2008.
Sovereign Nations, Carnal States. Cornell University Press, 2003.
Residues and Derivations: Vilfredo Pareto and Affective Politics. Polity, 2023
Violence and Politeness: From Walter Benjamin’s Critique to the Streets of Chicago. Constellations, 2020.
Assembling Counter-Majorities: Mark Twain’s Democratic Mugwumpery. Polity, 2016.
Biopolitical Reflections: Cognitive, Aesthetic and Reflexive Mappings of Global Econonmies. Fischer, Bernd and Mergenthaler, May (eds.) Cultural Transformations of the Public Sphere. Bern. Peter Lang, 2015.
Confounding Solidarity: Singular, Universal and Particular Subjects in the Artworks Tehching Hsieh and the Politics of the New Left. Angelaki, 2014
Critical Feelings and Pleasurable Associations. Theory & Event 13 (4), 2010
Virtual Plurality and Polemical Synthesis. Carl Schmitt and the Staging of a Public. CRISPP. Vol 12, no.2 (2): 243-258. 2009
Politics is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin. Diacritics 37.2-3, 2007
‘Walter Benjamin, the Kabbalah and Secularism’. AJS Perspectives.
‘The Myth of the Multitude’, in The Empire’s New Clothes. Jodi Dean and Paul Passavant, eds. Routledge, 2003
Book Reviews
“Reviving Habit: Felix Ravaisson’s Practical Metaphysics”. Review of Felix Ravaisson, Of Habit. Theory and Event, V. 12, Issue 4, 2009
Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy and the Politics of Revelation by Leora Batnitzky. Teaching Philosophy, 31:3, September 2008
Liberal Democracy and the Social Acceleration of Time by William Scheuerman. Perspectives on Politics, Volume 3 – Issue 02 – June 2005
Platonic Noise, by Peter Euben, Political Theory, V.32, No.5 Oct. 2004
Encyclopedia Articles
‘Violence’. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014
‘Carl Schmitt’. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014