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Dr. Zompetti’s current research projects involve persuasion and fake news, civic advocacy, and rhetorical strategies in political conversations. Known internationally as an expert in debate and argumentation, Dr. Zompetti has published many articles and four books concerning debate and argumentation with IDEA press. His most recent book, Divisive Discourse, examines the techniques people should use to have meaningful, productive, and civil conversations about politics.


De Conti, Manuele, & Zompetti, J. P. (2019). L’etica del Debate. (Il volume è opera congiunta di Manuele De Conti, a cui vanno ascritti l’Introduzione, il cap. 1 e il cap. 2, e Joseph Zompetti, a cui va ascritto il cap. 3. La Conclusione è da ascriversi congiuntamente ai due autori.) Milano-Torino: Pearson.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2018). Divisive Discourse: The Extreme Rhetoric of Contemporary American Politics (2nd ed.). San Diego: Cognella. ISBN: 978-1-63487-884-5.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2015). Divisive Discourse: The Extreme Rhetoric of Contemporary American Politics. San Diego: Cognella. ISBN: 978-1-63189-361-2. [Nominated for the Roderick Hart NCA Political Communication book award]

Zompetti, J. P. (Ed.) (2014). Essential Readings on Argumentation. New York: IDEA Press.

Zompetti, J. P. (Ed.) (2013). Essential Readings on Rhetoric. New York: IDEA Press.

Zompetti, J. P. (Ed.) (2011). Reasoned Rationales: Exploring the Educational Value of Debate. Joseph P. Zompetti (Ed.). New York: IDEA Press.

Blaney, J. R., & Zompetti, J. P. (Eds.) (2009). The Rhetoric of Pope John Paul II. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press.

Trapp, R., Zompetti, J. P., & Montejure, J. (2005). Discovering the World through Debate: A Practical Guide to Educational Debate for Debaters, Judges and Coaches (3rd ed).  New York: IDEA Press.

Zompetti, J. P., & Zompetti, S. W., (Eds.) (2004). The International Criminal Court: Global Politics and the Quest for Justice. Budapest/New York: Central European University Press.

Driscoll, W., & Zompetti, J. P.  (2003). Discovering the World through Debate: A Practical Guide to Educational Debate for Debaters, Judges and Coaches (2nd ed).  New York: IDEA Press.


Zheng, Jennifer & Zompetti, J. P. (2023). ‘I’m Not a Virus’: Asian Hate in Donald Trump’s Rhetoric. Asian Journal of Communication, 33(5), 470-503.

Zompetti, J. P., Michael Severino [undergraduate], & Hannah Delorto [undergraduate] (2022). The Rhetorical Implications of Social Media Misinformation: Platform Algorithms During a Global Pandemic. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 11(2), 296-329.

Woolard, Chad E. & Joseph Zompetti (2021). Finding Truth in a “Post-Truth” World: Critical Communication Pedagogy as Transformative Learning. In David H. Kahl & Ahmet Atay (Eds.), Pedagogies of Post-Truth (pp. 113-134). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2021). The Palazzo Migliori as Exemplification of Laudato Si’: The Rhetoric of Place/Space. Journal of Communication and Religion, 44(2), 57-68.

Wesselmann, Eric D., Joseph P. Zompetti, & Anna R. George (2021). The Dynamics of Inclusion and Moral Values in Understanding Reactions to Pope Francis’ Rhetoric. In Joseph R. Blaney (ed.), Understanding Pope Francis: Message, Media, and Audience (pp. 209-225). Lanham, MD: Lexington.

Thomas, Lindsey & Joseph P. Zompetti (2020). Policy Fosters Family: Examining Discourses of Biology and Care in Foster Care-Related Government Texts. Communication Law Review.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2019). The Fallacy of Fake News: Exploring the Commonsensical Argument Appeals of Fake News Rhetoric through a Gramscian Lens. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, 9(3/4), 139-159.

Bratslavsky, Lauren, Nathan Carpenter, and Joseph P. Zompetti (2019). Twitter, Incivility, and Presidential Communication: A Theoretical Incursion into Spectacle and Power. Cultural Studies, 34(4), 593-624.

Zompetti, Joseph P., and Lauren Bratslavsky (2019). A Historical Tracing of (In)Civility in American Presidential Rhetoric. Northwest Journal of Communication.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2019). Rhetorical Incivility in the Twittersphere: A Comparative Thematic Analysis of Clinton and Trump’s Tweets During and After the 2016 Presidential Election. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, 9(1/2), 29-54. Retrieved,      

Zompetti, Joseph P., and Molly Kerby (2019). Fake It “Till You Make It”: Debunking Fake News in a Post-Truth America. eJournal of Public Affairs, 8(1). Retrieved from,

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2019). Debate, Critical Thinking, and Civic Education: Why No One Should Give Up on Burma. eJournal of Public Affairs, 8(2). Available,

*Chidester, P., Baldwin, J. R., & Zompetti J. P. (2018). Everyday protest: A naïve analysis through the narratives of three informed outsiders/ Protesto diário: uma análise naïve através das narrativas de três forasteiros informados.  Comunicação e Sociedade, 39(3), 181-157 [Communication and Society]. Trans. J. R. Baldwin, P. J. Chidester, & L. F. Silva.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2017). Guadiam et Oeconomica Aequalitas: Pope Francis’ Rhetoric of a Poor Church for the Poor. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 13(3), 293-301.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2017). A Theory of Vernacular Rhetoric: Reading Dante’s De Vulgari Eloquentia. Inquiries Journal: Social Sciences, Arts, & Humanities, 9(4), available:

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2017). The Power of Symbols: The Ideological Representations of a French Revolution Playing Card Deck, the Revolutionnaires. Inquiries Journal: Social Sciences, Arts, & Humanities, 9(3), available:   representations-of-a-french-revolution-playing-card-deck-the-revolutionnaires

Miller, Liz and Zompetti, Joseph P. (2015). After the Prestige: A Postmodern Analysis of Penn and Teller. Journal of Performance Magic, 3(1), 3-24. Available: [peer-reviewed]

Bruns, Laura and Joseph P. Zompetti (2014). The Rhetorical Goddess: A Feminist Perspective on Women in Magic. Journal of Performance Magic, 2(1). Available, [peer-reviewed]

Zompetti, J. P. (2012). The cultural and communicative dynamics of capital: Gramsci and the impetus for social action. Culture, Theory and Critique, 53(3), 365-382.

Zompetti, J. P. (2010). Freaking the Mind: Exploring the Rhetoric of Magic in Criss Angel’s Mindfreak. Lore, 8(1). Available: [an on-line, peer-reviewed journal].

Zompetti, J. P. (2009). The Rhetoric of Redemption of Sacco and Vanzetti. Social Justice in Context, 5, 56-68.

Limon, M. S., Turner, M. M., & Zompetti, J. P. (2008). Informal Arguing: The Likelihood of Providing Arguments, Rebuttals, Refutations, and Evidence in an Argumentative Interaction. Argumentation and Advocacy, 45, 37-48.

Zompetti, J.P., & Moffitt, M.A. (2008). Revisiting Concepts of Public Relations Audience through Postmodern Concepts of Metanarrative, Decentered Subject, and Reality/Hyperreality. Journal of Promotion Management, 14, 275-291.

Zompetti, Joseph P., & Williams, David Cratis (2008, August). The Pedagogy of Civic Engagement: 

Argumentation and Public Debate as Tools for Democratic Living.  Proceedings of the 3rd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation (Suzuki, Yano, & Kato, eds).

Zompetti, Joseph P., & Aonuma, Satoru (2008, August). Stasis and the Collective National Memory of Statues: The Soldier Statue Controversy in Tallinn, Estonia. Proceedings of the 3rd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation (Suzuki, Yano, & Kato, eds).

Zompetti, J. P., & Williams, D. C. (2007). Democratic Civic Engagement and Pedagogical Pursuits: Using Argumentation and Debate to Energize Concerned Citizens. Alta 15th Biennial Conference on Argumentation Proceedings, 819-828.

McHale, John P., Zompetti, Joseph P., & Moffitt, Mary Anne (2007, October).  A Hegemonic Model of Crisis Communication: Truthfulness and Repercussions for Free Speech in Kasky v. NikeJournal of Business Communication, 44, 375-402. 

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006). César Chávez’s Rhetorical Use of Religious Symbols.  Journal of Communication and Religion, 29, 262-284.

Zompetti, J. P. (2006). Listening and intercultural communication: Viewing international debate as a means of improving listening effectiveness.  Controversia: An International Journal of Debate and Democratic Renewal, 5, 85-101.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006). The role of advocacy in civil society.  Argumentation: An International Journal of Reasoning, 20, 167-183.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006). The Value of TopoiArgumentation: An International Journal of Reasoning, 20, 15-28.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006). Embracing a Critical Communication Pedagogy: A Radical Examination of the Common Communication Course.  Radical Pedagogy, 8, Available online:

Zompetti, J. P.  (2005). Habermas, Gramsci and Praxis: Understanding Contingency to Salvage the Public Sphere.  International Journal of Communication, 15, 225-243.

Zompetti, J. P., & Lain, B.  (2005, Summer). Kritiking as Argumentative Praxis.  Speaker & Gavel, 42, 13-27.  The online, peer-reviewed journal of the Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha Forensics Society.   Available online:

Zompetti, J. P., & Moffitt, M. A.  (2005, April). Using Postmodernism to Inform Issues Facing Public Relations Today: A New Emphasis on Audience and Campaign Message Design. Business Research Yearbook, 12, 773-777.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004). Personalizing Debating: Diversity and Tolerance in the Debate Community. Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, 25, 26-39.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004, August).  Who Am I? Who Are We? Or, Rhetorical Schizophrenia and the Breakdown of Society. Proceedings of the 2nd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation (Suzuki, Yano, & Kato, eds), 242-245.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2000, August). Revisiting Topoi: Their Use for Contemporary Argumentation and Debate.  Proceedings of the 1st Tokyo Conference on Argumentation (Suzuki, Yano, & Kato, eds), 188-190.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2000, Summer). Putting the Form Back Into Performative: Hearing the Voice Behind the Silenced Subject.  The International Journal of Forensics, 2, 185-193.

Berkowitz, S. J., Zompetti, J. P., & Aonuma, S.  (1998). Transforming the Quest for Meaning: A Case Study in Public Argument. 1997 Proceedings of the SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.  Alta, UT: SCA.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1997). Reading Postcolonial Identity: The Rhetoric of Devolution from Sri Lanka’s President, Chandrika Kumaratunga.  Howard Journal of Communications, 8, 161-178.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1997). Toward a Gramscian Critical Rhetoric. Western Journal of Communication, 61(1), 66-86.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1996). Developing a Critical Speech Pedagogy.  Michigan Association of Speech Communication Journal, 31, 84-94.


Zompetti, Joseph P. & David Cratis Williams (2021). Civic Education through Rhetorical Principles. In Dale Hample (Ed.), Local Theories of Argument (pp. 427-432). Oxford: Routledge.

Zompetti, J. P. (2019). Theoretical Foundations (of Intercultural Communication for Social Change). In Kate S. Kurtin (Ed.), Diving Deeper into Communication: An Introduction and Beyond (pp. 199-214). Cognella.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2019). The Rhetoric of Social Control. In Nancy S. Lind & Cara E. Rabe-Hemp (Eds.), Political Authority, Social Control and Public Policy (pp. 11-26). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Zompetti, Joseph P., John R. Baldwin, and Lance Lippert (2019). The Internationalization of a Communication Studies Major: A Global Redesign. In Paaige K. Turner, Soumia Bardhan, Tracey Quigley Holden & Edda Mbula Mutua (Eds.), Internationalizing the Communication Curriculum in an Age of Globalization: Why, What, and How.

Zompetti, Joseph (2016). Citizenship and Civic Engagement: Civic Education in a Globalised World. In Nadejda L. Greidina & Yahya R. Kamalipour (Eds.), Communicating through the Universe (pp. 189-209). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Zompetti, J. P., Moore, M. A., Smudde, P. M., & Hunt, S. K. (2013). The right to peaceable assembly and social movements: The role of “occupying” space as a way to speak. In N. S. Lind (Ed.), First Amendment rights: An encyclopedia (Vol. 2, pp. 237-256). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013). Citizenship and Civic Engagement: Civic Education in a Globalized World. In Nadejda Greidina (Ed.), Problems of Communication and Culture – 15 (pp. 208-226). (АКТУАПЬНЬІЕ ПРОБПЕМЬІ КОММУНИКАЦИИ И КУПЬТУРЬІ-15). Pyatigorsk, Russia: Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University.

Zompetti, J. P. (2012). Persuasive Prestigitation: Exploring the Rhetorical Power of Magical Performance in a Popular Magazine Article. In Phillip Vannini (Ed.), Popularizing Research (pp. 114-119). Peter Lang Publishing.

Williams, David C., and Joseph P. Zompetti (2010). Debate and the Art of Rhetorical Citizenship. In Nadezhda Greidina (Ed.), Urgent Problems in Communication and Culture – 10 (pp. 122-140).  Annual volume of International Communication Research. Moscow and Pyatigorsk: Pyatigorsk State University.

Zompetti, J. P. (2009). The Rhetoric of Social Justice in Pope John Paul II’s Catechism (pp. 39-66). In Joseph R. Blaney and Joseph P. Zompetti (Eds.), The Rhetoric of Pope John Paul II. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press.


Zompetti, J. P. (2007, Summer). Book Review: Unravelling Gramsci: Hegemony and passive revolution in the global economy, by Adam Morton. Argumentation and Debate, 44, 53-56.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006). Book Review: Talking Democracy: Historical Perspectives on Rhetoric and Democracy, by Benedetto Fontana, Cary J. Nederman, and Gary Remer (Eds.). Argumentation and Advocacy, 42, 120-1.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004, Fall).  Book Review: America’s Newcomers and the Dynamics of Diversity, by Frank D. Bean and Gillian Stevens. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 7, 432-434.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004). Book Review: A Government by the People: Direct Democracy in America, 1890-1940, by Thomas Goebel. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 7, 109-111.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2002). Book Review: Social Movements, Civil Society, and Radical Adult Education, by John D. Holst. Controversia: an International Journal of Debate and Democratic Renewal, 1, 117-121.


Blaney, J., & Zompetti, J. (2008, November). The great persuader: In teaching and practice, Pope John Paul II demonstrated the art of evangelization. Columbia Magazine, 20-21.

Zompetti, J. P. (2008). The Role of Debate Activism for Civil Societies. In A. Snider (Ed), Frontiers of the 21st Century: Argumentation, Debate and the Struggle for a Civil Society: Proceedings of the 2004 and 2005 International Debate Education Association Conference in Turkey and Estonia (pp. 157-172). Budapest: Central European University Press.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2007, Fall).  Embracing Organic Learning: Progressive Measures for the Communication Classroom. Published in the ISU University Assessment Office’s Progressive Measures: Special Issue: Diverse and Global Perspectives, volume 3, available online:

Zompetti, J. P.  (2005, April).  Using and Citing Evidence to Construct and Support Arguments.  Idebate (a periodical published by the International Debate Education Association), vol. 5, #3, 32-36.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004). Debating the Negative on the YFE 2004 Topic. Idebate (a periodical published by the International Debate Education Association), vol. 4, #4, 60-61.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004). Debating the “Framework.” West Coast Debate Handbook.  Walla Walla, WA: West Coast Publishing.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2000, December).  Coaching Confidence.  The Rostrum (a periodical published by the National Forensic League), 75, 6-7, 16.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1999). Getting the Most for You and Your Debaters: Encouraging Women, Minority and At-Risk Students to Attend Summer Institutes.  The Forensic Educator (a periodical published by the National Federation Interscholastic Speech and Debate Association), 13, 31-34.


Zompetti, J. P. (2022, August 23). Debate Training in a Polarized Society: Using Argumentation Skills to Reduce Toxicity by Promoting Intercultural Awareness. EDUvision – international argument roundtable (with fellow panel members from Australia, Italy, Singapore, The Netherlands, Slovenia, and the UAE).

Zompetti, Joseph P., Michael Severino, & Hannah Delorto (2022, March 11). The Rhetorical Implications of Social Media Misinformation: Platform Algorithms During a Global Pandemic. Symposium on Misinformation and Global Communication, Shanghai China.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2022, March 5). Argument in a Fake News World [Keynote Address]. International Conference on Debate and Argumentation Education, Fukuoka, Japan.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2021, March 26). “It’s the Economy, Stupid!”: Rhetorical Reflections on Class and Common Sense. Paper presented to the annual Central States Communication Association conference, online.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2020, July). Encouraging Democracy Abroad: Advocacy Strategies for NGO Activists. Paper accepted for the first virtual 2020 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) Meeting (American Democracy Project).

Zompetti, J. P. (2020, August). “Fake News” as Enthymeme: An Argumentative and Conjunctural Analysis of Trump’s Attacks against Mainstream News. A paper/video presented to the 6th Tokyo Argumentation Conference.

Koresawa, Katsuya & J. P. Zompetti (2020, August). A Gramscian Critical Rhetoric in Tokyo Olympic Games  2020: Deception of Success for the Recovery Olympics. A paper accepted to the 6th Tokyo Argumentation Conference.

Zompetti, J. P. (2020, April 16). “It’s the Economy, Stupid!”: Rhetorical Reflections on Class and Common Sense. A paper accepted to the Central States Communication Association annual conference, and part of the panel of papers entitled, “Interrogating the Position of Class in Communication Studies.”

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2020, July). Encouraging Democracy Abroad: Advocacy Strategies for NGO Activists. Paper accepted for the first virtual 2020 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) Meeting (American Democracy Project).

Zompetti, J. P. (2020, August). Kyushu Debate Workshops: A Rationale for Policy Debate Training. A paper presented to the 6th Tokyo Argumentation Conference.

Craig, B., Hall, A., Thomas, L., Zompetti, J. & Hopper, K.M. (2019, November). Embodied Realities: Strategies to Improve a Climate of Diversity and Respect. Discussion panel presented at the annual Culturally Responsive Campus Community Conference, Normal, IL.

Baldwin, John, Lance Lippert, & Joseph P. Zompetti (2019, November 15). The Internationalization of a Communication Studies Major: A Global Redesign. National Communication Association annual conference. Baltimore, MD.

Zompetti, Joseph P. & David C. Williams (2019, August). Empowering Civic Education and Civic Engagement through Debate Training:  Are Pedagogical Practices and Outcomes Culturally Transferable? 21st NCA/AFA Summer Conference on Argumentation, Alta, Utah.

Zompetti, J. P. (2018, December). The Fallacy of Fake News: Exploring the Commonsensical Appeal of Fake News through a Gramscian Lens. The Democracy and Disinformation in the Era of Trump conference, The University of Clinton, Dublin Ireland.

Zompetti, J. P. (2018, June 8). Fake News in a Post-Truth World: Enhancing 21st Century News Literacy. The Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement annual convention, Anaheim, California.

Zompetti, J. P. (2018, April 5, 2018). Incivility in the Twittersphere: A Rhetorical Examination of Clinton and Trump’s Tweets during and After the 2016 Presidential Election. Presentation at the annual Central States Communication Association conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Zompetti, Joseph P. (2017, March 24). Our (Un)Civil Culture: Examining Possible Ways to Reduce Divisive Discourse. Paper presented at the research convention of the National Institute for Civil Discourse, Tucson Arizona.

Zompetti, J. P. (2016, October 21). Signifying Ideology in the 1792-1793 French Revolution Deck of Playing Cards. The 52 Club Plus Joker annual conference, Schaumburg, IL.

Zompetti, J. P. (2015, March 5-7). Debate and Critical Thinking as Civic Education: The Case of Myanmar. Paper presented at the conference on Speech and Debate as Civic Education, Penn State University.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, October 5). The Way of the Wingnut: Exploring the Mediated Mania of Glenn Beck. Paper presented at the Global Fusion conference, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, September). Gramscian Pedagogy: Common Sense and the Possibility of a Radical Democracy. Presented at the Rethinking Marxism conference, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, June 7). Institutional Support, Student Career Prep & Democracy Promotion: Navigating the Minefield. Presented at the annual American Democracy Project conference, Denver, CO.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, June 8). 21st Century Citizenship Education in a Globalized World. Presented at the annual American Democracy Project conference, Denver, CO.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, June 8). Fostering Organic, Dialogic Pedagogy. Presented at the annual American Democracy Project conference, Denver, CO.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, January 9). Civic Engagement Pedagogy: Utilizing the Course Redesign Process. Presented at the annual CTLT Symposium, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.

Zompetti, J. P. (2013, January 9). Political Bias & Political Misinformation in the Classroom. Presented at the annual CTLT Symposium, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.

Moore, M. A., Smudde, P. M., Zompetti, J. P., & Hunt, S. K. (2012, November 15). “Occupying” Space as a Way for Social Movements to Speak as Founded in the Right to Peaceable Assembly. Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association conference, Orlando, FL.

Zompetti, J. P. (2012, Oct. 19). The Meaning of Meaning: How Meaning Functions in a Magical Context. The Annual Magic & Meaning Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 

Zompetti, J. P., & Aonuma, S. (2012, August 11). Public Argument in an Era of Global Protest. 4th Tokyo Conference on Argumentation, Kanagawa, Japan.

Lippert, L., Zompetti, J. P., & Dawson, P. (2012, June 8). Building a Minor in Civic Engagement: Intentional Infusion of Civic Engagement through Course Re-Design. American Democracy Project and The Democracy Commitment National Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Zompetti, J. P. (2012, June 8). Integrating Civic Engagement through Academic Debate. American Democracy Project and The Democracy Commitment National Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Zompetti, J. P. (2012, May 18). Civility and Participatory Democracy in Occupy Wall Street. Ninth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.

Zompetti, J. P., & Hunt, S. K. (2012, May 18). Gendered (Mis)Representations of Poverty: Theoretical Explorations of Civic Engagement. Ninth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.

Aonuma, S., & Zompetti, J. P. (2011, Nov. 19). Nuclear Accident and/as Natural Disaster: An Accidental Rhetoric of Fukushima Nuclear Crisis During 2011 East Japan Earthquake. The National Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Aonuma, S., & Zompetti, J. P. (2011, July). Deliberation, Forensics and Radical Democracy: Rethinking Parliamentary Debate from an International Perspective. Paper presented at the 17th Alta Conference on Argumentation, Alta, Utah.

Lippert, L., & Zompetti, J. P. (2011, June 4). Incorporating Civic Engagment in Tenure and Promotion Policies. Presented at the Session on Faculty Leadership at the annual American Democracy Project conference, Orlando, FL.

McDade, J. S., & Zompetti, J. P. (2011, June 4). Pedagogy Strategies for the Political Engagement Project (PEP). Presented at the annual American Democracy Project conference, Orlando, FL.

Zompetti, J. P. (2011, May). Rhetorical Advocacy and Civic Engagement Pedagogy. Paper presented at the 7th annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Zompetti, J. P. (2011, May). Persuasive Prestigitation: Engaging Magicians and Their Audiences on the Rhetorical Power of Magical Performances. Paper presented at the 7th annual International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hunt, S. K., Lippert, L., & Zompetti, J. P. (2011, April). Engaging Communication Students: Assessing the Vertical Infusion of Civic Engagement and Service Learning Throughout the Communication Major. Presented at the annual Central States Communication Association conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Zompetti, J. P. (2011, January 5). Magic in the Classroom: Stating my Passion Pedagogically. Presentation at the CTLT Symposium, Illinois State University.

Zompetti, J. P. (2011, January 5). Infusing Principles of Civic Engagement into the Classroom. Presentation at the CTLT Symposium, Illinois State University.

Zompetti, J. P. (2009, October 22). The Role and Impact of Narrative in Magic Performance. Presented at the annual Magic and Meaning conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Zompetti, J. P., Hunt, S. K., McDade, J., Asbury, B. E., Hammond, G. J., & Anton, A. (2009, June 13). Infusing Civic Engagement into the Communication Curriculum: Assessing the Value of Civic Engagement Related Material into the Classroom. Presented at the Seventh Annual American Democracy Project: Diversity and Civic Engagement, Baltimore, MD.

Zompetti, J. P. (2009). Teaching civic and political engagement: Fostering collegiate civic education through activism. Paper presented at the Jack Miller Forum for Civics Education, January 30, Florida Atlantic University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Zompetti, J. P. (2009, March 20). Evoking a Sense of Wonder: Exploring the Rhetoric of Magic. The Second Theory and Art of Magic Conference on Performing Magic. Allentown, PA: Muhlenberg College.

Williams, David C., and Zompetti, J. P. (2008, October). Debate and the Art of Rhetorical Citizenship. Paper presented at the Conference on Rhetoric, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Koresawa, Katsuya, and Zompetti, J. P. (2008, August). Japan’s New Criminal Court Trial Proceedings: A Gramscian Perspective on Democratic Philosophy and Praxis. Presented at the 3rd Tokyo Argumentation Conference.

Livesay, C., & Zompetti, J. P. (2008). “What would Tyler Durden do? An examination of Nietzche’s Overman in David Fincher’s Fight Club.” Presented at the annual Central States Communication Association conference, Madison, WI, April 7, 2008.

Zompetti, J. P. (2008). “Freaking the mind: Exploring the rhetoric of magic in Criss Angel’s ‘Mindfreak.” Presented at the annual Central States Communication Association conference, Madison, WI, April 11, 2008.

David Cratis Williams & Joseph P. Zompetti (2007, November). “Pedagogies of Democratic Citizenship: Argumentation and Debate as Equipment for Democratic Living.”  Presented at the annual Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM) conference, Cluj, Romania.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2007, November). “Forging Civic Engagement with Public Debate: An International Perspective.” International Debate Education Exchange Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania.  November 7, 2007.

Zompetti, J. P., & Williams, D. C.  (2007, August). Democratic Civic Engagement and Pedagogical Pursuits: Using Argumentation and Debate to Energize Concerned Citizens.  Paper presented at the annual ALTA Argumentation conference, Alta, Utah.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2007, March). Sacco and Vanzetti’s Last Words: A Burkean Analysis.  Paper presented at the annual Central States Communication Convention, Minneapolis, MN.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006, March). Listening and Intercultural Communication: Viewing International Debate as a Means of Improving Listening Effectiveness.  Paper presented at the annual Central States Communication Association Convention, Indianapolis, IN.*TOP PAPER AWARD

Zompetti, J. P.  (2006, March). Dante’s rhetorical vision: Vernacular rhetoric and the De Vulgari Eloquentia.  Paper presented at the annual Central States Communication Association Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Courtright, J., & Zompetti, J. P.  (2006, March). The Red Cross and Response to Criticism of Its Handling of the   9/11 “Liberty Fund.  Paper presented at the annual Central States Communication Association Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Zompetti, J. P., & Llano, S.  (2005, November). Critical Thinking to Critical Be(-)ing: Critical Pedagogy and the Debate Institute Model.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Boston, MA, November 18, 2005.

Zompetti, J. P., & Moffitt, M. A.  (2005, April). Using Postmodernism to Inform Issues Facing Public Relations Today: A New Emphasis on Audience and Campaign Message Design.  Paper presented at the annual International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 8, 2005.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2005, April). Beyond Invention: Using Topoi to Improve Critical Thinking Skills. Ewing Symposium.  Ewing Manor, Illinois State University.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004, November). Towards a Rhetoric of Resistance: Social Movement Theories and the Problem of Explanatory Strength.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 11, 2004.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004, November). The Role of Debate and Advocacy in Civil Society.  Paper presented at the International Debate Education Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, November 6, 2004.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004, August). Who Am I? Who Are We? Or, Rhetorical Schizophrenia and the Breakdown of Society.  Paper presented at the 2nd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation, Tokyo, Japan, August 4, 2004.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2004, April). A Theory of Vernacular Rhetoric: Reading Dante’s De Vulgari Eloquentia.  Paper presented at the annual Southern States Communication Association conference, Tampa, FL, April 1, 2004.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2002, November). The Withering: How Performance Affirmatives are Undermining Policy Debate. Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA, November 23, 2002.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2002, November). Where’s the Policy in Policy Debate?:  Policy Debate Qua Activism. Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA, November 22, 2002.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2002, May). Applying a Gramscian Critical Rhetoric: Exploring Cesar Chavez’s Rhetoric of Resistance.  Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, Las   Vegas, NV, May 24, 2002.

Zompetti, J. P.  (2000, August). Revisiting Topoi: Their Use for Contemporary Argumentation and Debate.  Paper presented at the 1st Tokyo Conference on Argumentation, Tokyo, Japan, August 8, 2000.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1999, November). Reflections on an Old Idea: Praxis as a Way of Forging Scholarship and Debate. Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, November 4,1999.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1999, November). Topoi and Contemporary Argumentation.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, November 4, 1999.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1999, November). (Per)formative Contradictions: Misunderstanding and the Importance of Action. Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, November 4, 1999.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1998, November). Transcending Colonial Communication Curricula: The (Non)radical Nature of Critical Pedagogy.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, New York City, November 21, 1999.

Zompetti, J. P., & Aonuma, S.  (1998, May). The Spatial and Rhetorical Construction of Mexican-American   Identity. A paper presented at the Graduate Student Conference, “Interdisciplinary Investigations,” at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1997, November). Viewing Chicana Rhetoric from a Gendered Postcolonial Perspective.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1997, November). Cesar Chavez and the Di Giorgio Boycott.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1997, November). Tracing Ideology in the Sign, Home.  Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL.

Berkowitz, S. J., Zompetti, J. P., & Aonuma, S.  (1997, July). Transforming the Quest for Meaning: A Case Study in Public Argument. Paper presented at the SCA/AFA Argumentation Conference, Alta, UT.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1996, November). Symbolic Motives: Using Representative Anecdote to Uncover the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church.  Paper presented at the Annual Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, CA, November 24, 1996.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1996, October). The Relationship Between Rhetoric and Ideology: Finding a Place Amidst All That   Meaning.  Paper presented at the Michigan Association of Speech Communication Conference, Lansing, MI, October 3, 1996.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1996, April). Forging New Mean Praxis.  Paper presented at the Central States Communication Conference, St. Paul, MN, April 19, 1996.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1996, April). Habermas, Gramsci, and Critical Praxis: Understanding Contingency to Salvage the Public Sphere.  Paper presented at the Central State Communication Conference, St. Paul, MN, April 19,1996.

Zompetti, J. P., & Aonuma, S.  (1996, March). The Rhetoric of the Political Right: The Right to Bear Arms as a Strategy for Legitimation and Hegemony.  Paper presented at the Discerning the Right Conference, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, March 8, 1996.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1995, April). Ideology and Myth: Collective Bargaining as a Means of Co-opting Labor.  Paper presented at the 1995 Central States Communication Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 22, 1995.

Zompetti, J. P.  (1995). Gramsci as Critical Theory. Paper presented at the 1995 Western Speech Communication Association Conference, Portland, OR, February 14, 1995.

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