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My expertise is in the field of immunology, specifically B cells and antibodies. I am involved in several outreach activities for the public and my lab is always looking for new opportunities to share our love of science!

  • Our group developed some activities for K-12 students about B cells and antibodies in collaboration with the Children’s Discovery Museum in Normal, IL. Check them out here!
  • I participate in the American Association of Immunologists potential women speakers and chairs webpage
  • We give presentations to Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts on being a scientist and scientific method
  • I am a previous merit badge counselor for Boy Scouts, the Public Health Merit badge
  • For the long running Expanding Your Horizons conference, we presented a hands-on workshop on antibodies (for middle school girls)
  • Presented workshops for visiting international scholars
  • Participated in “Mornings with the Professors” to educate community members about the immune system
  • Guest speaker for local school district STEM event. I spoke to 4th graders about how dumping sewage and other pollution in oceans and lakes hurts turtles and other wildlife as part of an activity day related to a book they read.
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