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34Shadows of Colored Complexes and Cycle Decompositions of Equipartite Hypergraphs (with Genevieve Madden)In PreparationarXivJournal
33On the Existence of Symmetric Layer-Rainbow Latin HypercubesIn PreparationarXivJournal
32The Andersen-Hoffman Theorem for Equitable Rectangles (with Anna Johnsen)In PreparationarXivJournal
31Proof of a Conjecture of Cavenagh, Hamalainen, Lefevre, and StonesSubmittedarXivJournal
30Spanning Euler Tours in Hypergraphs (with S. Shan)SubmittedarXivJournal
29Ryser’s Theorem for Equitable Rectangles
(with Anna Johnsen)
28 Connected Fair Detachments of Hypergraphs ISubmittedarXivJournal
27On Layer-Rainbow Latin Cubes Containing Layer-Rainbow Latin CubesSubmittedarXivJournal
26Completing Multi-Latin Rectangles via Factors with Prescribed Degrees in Bipartite GraphsSubmittedarXiv Journal
25Ryser’s Theorem for Symmetric \rho-Latin SquaresUnder Revision, Combinatorial TheoryarXiv Journal
24Embedding Connected Factorizations II (with Anna Johnsen)to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series BarXivJournal
23A Central Limit Theorem for Random Walks on Horospherical Products of Gromov Hyperbolic Spaces (with B. Forghani, I. Gekhtman, and K. Mallahi-Karai)to appear in Groups, Geometry, and DynamicarXivJournal
22Toward a Three-dimensional Counterpart of Cruse’s TheoremProceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152 (2024), 1947-1959arXivJournal
21Symmetric Layer-Rainbow Colorations of CubesSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 37, Iss. 4 2023arXivJournal
20Embedding Connected Factorizations
(with Anna Johnsen and Stefan Napirata)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Volume 155, July 2022, Pages 358-373arXivJournal
19Ryser’s Theorem for \rho-latin RectanglesJournal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 190, August 2022, 105632arXiv Journal
18On Regular Set Systems Containing Regular Subsystems (with Sadegheh Haghshenas)European Journal of Combinatorics Volume 98, December 2021, 103393arXiv Journal
17Resolvable Cycle Decompositions of Complete Multigraphs and Complete Equipartite Multigraphs via Layering and Detachment (with Mateja Sajna)Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Volume 29, Issue 10 September 2021 Pages 647-682arXiv Journal
16Extending Regular Edge-Colorings of Complete Hypergraphs (with Sadegheh Haghshenas)Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 94, Issue 1, 59-74, 2020arXiv Journal
15Extending Edge-colorings of Complete Hypergraphs into Regular ColoringsJournal of Graph Theory, Volume 90, Issue 4, 547-560, 2019arXiv Journal
14Partitioning The Edge Set of a Hypergraph Into Almost Regular Cycles (with Sadegheh Haghshenas)Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Volume 26, Issue 10, 465-479, 2018arXiv Journal
13Quasi-Eulerian Hypergraphs (with Mateja Sajna)Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,  Volume 24, Issue 3, Paper P3.30, 2017arXiv Journal
12Extending Factorizations of Complete Uniform Hypergraphs, (with Mike Newman)Combinatorica, Volume 38, Issue 6, 1309-1335, 2018arXivJournal
11Factorizations of Complete Multipartite Hypergraphs
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 340, Issue 2, 6 February 2017,  46-50arXivJournal
10Embedding Factorizations for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs II: r-Factorizations into s-Factorizations (with Mike Newman)Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,  Volume 23, Issue 2, Paper P2.42, 2016arXivJournal
9Decomposing Complete Equipartite Multigraphs into Cycles of Variable Lengths (with Mateja Sajna)Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Volume 24, Issue 4, 165-183, 2016arXivJournal
8Connection and separation in hypergraphs (with Mateja Sajna)Theory and Applications of Graphs, Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 5, 24 pages, 2015arXivJournal
7Connected Baranyai’s TheoremCombinatorica, Volume 34, Issue 2, 129-138, 2014arXivJournal
6Embedding Factorizations for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs (with Chris Rodger)Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 73, Issue 2,  216-224, 2013arXivJournal
5What Are Graph Amalgamations? (with Chris Rodger)Recent Results in Designs and Graphs Quaderni di Matematica, dedicated to the memory of Lucia Gionfriddo.  63-82, 2013arXivJournal
4Embedding an Edge-colored K(a^{(p)};\lambda,\mu) into a Hamiltonian Decomposition of K(a^{(p+r)};\lambda,\mu) (with Chris Rodger)Graphs and Combinatorics 29  no. 4, 747-755, 2013arXivJournal
3Detachments of Hypergraphs I: The Berge-Johnson ProblemCombinatorics, Probability and Computing, Volume 21, Issue 04, 483-495, 2012arXivJournal
2Detachments of Amalgamated 3-Uniform Hypergrpahs I: Factorization ConsequencesJournal of Combinatorial Designs, Volume 20, Issue 12, 527-549, 2012arXivJournal
1Multiply Balanced Edge Colorings of Multigraphs (with Chris Rodger) Journal of Graph Theory, Volume 70, Issue 3, 297-317, 2012arXivJournal

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