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Flint Resources

Five Primary Documents

At least three articles chosen from the following five primary documents should be used for the MDEQ CRS analysis.

-Press Release from MDEQ to reporter Ron Fonger, September 2, 2015 – p. 52 of the MDEQ-USEPA document

-Backgrounder email from MDEQ to reporter Ron Fonger, September 9, 2015 – p. 57 of the MDEQ-USEPA document

-News article, Associated Press, September 24, 2015 – Doctor’s Warn Flint of High Lead Levels in Tap Water

-News article, Michigan Radio, July 13, 2015 – Leaked internal memo shows federal regulator’s concerns about lead in Flint’s water

-News article, MLive, September 10, 2015 – Feds sending in experts to help Flint keep lead out of water

Additional Resources – Timelines

New York Times – Events that Led to Flint’s Water Crisis

NPR – Lead Laced Water in Flint

The Center for Michigan – Disaster Day by Day

Flint Task Force Report, pp. 16-21 & 85-113 – Key timeline and detailed timeline

Additional Resources – News articles and reports

Coverage of press articles up till December 2015 by the Flint Water Study group at Virigina Tech University – articles in the press

September 3, 2015 – Lead leaches into ‘very corrosive’ Flint drinking water, researchers say

June 12, 2014 – City adding more lime to Flint water

Oct 13, 2014 – General Motors shutting off Flint river water

January 21, 2015 – Officials say Flint water is getting better

June 5, 2015 – Lawsuit seeks end to Flint river drinking water

July 16, 2015 – In Flint, Michigan, overpriced water is causing people’s skin to erupt in rashes

July 13, 2015 – Leaked internal memo shows federal regulator’s concerns

Additional Resources – Reports

EPA – Management weakness delayed response to Flint

Michigan Civil Rights Commission – The Flint Water Crisis – Systemic Racism Through the Lens of Flint

Additional Resources – analysis after the crisis

Oct 22, 2015 – MDEQ emails show stunning indifference

January 28, 2016 – Amid denials, state workers in Flint got clean water

Feb 13, 2016 – State DEQ didn’t take Flint water concerns seriously

Feb 19, 2016 – Flint water crisis unfolds in key officials emails through the years

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