Attendee Information
Event Chair:
Veronica Halloway, Chief
Illinois Department of Public Health Center for Minority Health Services
Conference Logistics:
Amber Lear
Illinois Department of Public Health Center for Minority Health Services
Continuing Education:
Laura Worrall
SIU Medicine Continuing Professional Development
2023 Planning Committee
- Amber Lear
- Anastesia Izundu
- Audrey Smith
- Camille Hicks
- Carla Little
- Chaundra Bishop
- Dennis Garrett
- Esperanza Gonzalez
- Janice Akpobaro
- Kimberly Conner
- Maggie Rivera
- Marilyn Green
- Mark Hunter
- Michael Gaines
- Mildred Hunter
- Mohammed Shahidullah
- Nancy Rodriguez
- Octavia Tyson
- Omayra Giachello
- Paula Crose
- Sam Nunes
- Sarah Bennet-O’Connor
- Stephanie Jara
- Sunshine Clemons
- Tanya Zaks
- Veronica Halloway
- Viminda Shafer
- Yolanda Jones
On behalf of the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Center for Health Services, we would like to extend an initiation to you to consider attending the 2023 Illinois Minority Health Conference. This conference is designed to improve knowledge on health disparities and social justice issues and how they affect health outcomes; build competencies among healthcare professionals, and develop collaboration with other service providers, and community partners in serving minorities and other disadvantaged communities in Illinois. By the conclusion of this conference, participants should be able to build on community engagement and collaboration and to work with these communities to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services through scientific and evidence-based best practices.
Target Audience
This conference will address a variety of topics on advancing the health and well-being of minority and underserved populations in Illinois. The target audience includes Public Health Personnel and Staff, College and University Students, Public and Private Sector Health Professionals, Nurses, Health Educators, Licensed Social Working/Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Professional Counselors/Licensed Clinical Counselors, Dietitians, Peer Educators/Health Navigators, and Community & faith-based organizations
Conference Tracks
• Evaluation, Research, and Reporting
• Innovative and Evidence-Based Approaches to Addressing Health Equity
• Building Unprecedented Partnerships and Collaborations
• Understanding Disparities in Healthcare Accessibility
Continuing Education
Will be jointly provided by Illinois Department of Public Health and Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.
Registered Nurses / Social Workers / Counselors / Dietitians: SIU School of Medicine is preapproved as a continuing nursing education provider pursuant to Section 1300.130, subsection c), 1), B) and P) of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Nurse Practice Act. Nurses may receive a maximum of 9.75 contact hours for completing this activity. (Preconference workshop = 3 hours; Conference = 6.75 hours)
SIU School of Medicine is a licensed provider for continuing education for social workers (license #159-000106), professional counselors/clinical counselors (license #197-000073), and dietitians/nutrition counselors (license #199.000121). This program offers a maximum of 9.75 CE hours. (Preconference workshop = 3 hours; Conference = 6.75 hours)
Universal: All other attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Within one week following the conference, attendees will be emailed a link to log in, complete the required evaluation and claim CME credit. Participants will have 30 days during which to complete this process.
Disclosure Policy: It is the policy of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine that speakers, planners, and anyone in control of content disclose real or apparent conflicts of interest relating to the topics of this activity, and also disclose discussions of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentation(s). The SIU School of Medicine Office of Continuing Professional Development has policies in place that will identify and mitigate all conflicts of interest prior to this activity. Detailed disclosure will be provided prior to the start of the activity.
2023 Tentative Schedule
View Now! A more detailed schedule will be posted by early November. A final schedule will be posted by November 20, 2023.
Attendee Registration
Attendee registration is open. After November 20, we will only accept registration if capacity allows. Don’t wait to register! Once we reach full capacity, registration will close. We do not allow shared registrations for online attendees. Registration is available on the registration tab.
The plenary sessions will take place in person and on a virtual platform. All workshops will take place in person at Illinois State University in the Bone Student Center. All virtual attendees will receive their access link one week prior to the start of the event.
Registration Fees
- In-Person Attendee – Early: $100
Ends October 27 - In-Person Attendee – Regular: $125
October 28 – November 20 - In-Person Attendee – Late: $150
November 21 – December 5 - Online Plenary Attendee: $50
- Full-Time Student: $25
- Pre-Conference Attendee Only: $100
- Pre-Conference Attendee Full-Time Student: $25
- Pre-Conference Attendee (if attending Conference): $25
- Speaker: $0
- Committee Member: $0
Cancellation Policy
A full refund less a $15 processing fee will be provided for any cancellation requests received prior to November 26, 2023 at 8:00 AM CST. No refunds will be provided after November 26, 2023. Substitutions will not be allowed after this date. All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email to Lucy at lmmork1@ilstu.edu.
Conference Location
- Pre-Conference (December 3):All pre-conference events will take place at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. If you register for the pre-conference, you will receive more information about the location of the sessions closer to the event.
- Conference (December 4-5):In-person plenary and breakout sessions will take place at ISU in the Bone Student Center.
- Online:Online attendees will have the option to view the plenary session virtually via Zoom. Online attendees will receive links to the plenary sessions one week prior to the start of the event.
- Registration: Email Lucy at lmmork1@ilstu.edu.
- General & Online Platform: Email Perry at pharlow@ilstu.edu.
- Schedule: Email Amber at amber.lear@illinois.gov.