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National Conference Presentations With Students

  • ​​​Bold-faced names are undergraduate students
  • Names with *asterisks* are graduate students

*Johnson, A.*, Reese-Weber, M., *Hyman, H*., Carlson, J. Nigro, M., & Widmer, K.(October 2012).Milestones in Romantic Relationship Development and Attachment Theory. Poster presented at the Transitions from Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa, FL.

Reese-Weber, M., & *Hyman, H.* (July 2012). Intimacy, conflict, and aggression across three phases of romantic relationship development. Poster presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL.

*Field, R.*, Reese-Weber, M., Tobin, R., Denney, R., & Nigro, M. (March 2012). Agree to Disagree? The role of agreeableness and social self-efficacy as predictors of negative conflict resolution strategies. Poster to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Reese-Weber, M., & *Nemecek, R.* (October 2011). Difference in conflict topics across romantic relationship development. Poster to be presented at the 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Providence.

*Van Herrmann, R*., Reese-Weber, M., Schneider, W. J., *Gardner, E*., Nemecek, R., Herrmann, D., Thurston, K., & Moore, N. (March 2010). The role of attachment in romantic couple’s emotions during a conflict episode: Self, partner, and observer ratings. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia.

*Gardner, E*., Reese-Weber, M., Herrmann, D., Nemecek, R., Faigao, D. Stitt, S., Stark, A., Baertschi, J. (April 2009). The role of attachment in identifying romantic partner’s emotions during conflict. Poster to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver.

*Smith, D*., Reese-Weber, M., Ray, A., & *Whitney, A.* (April 2009). Outcomes of child sexual assault as predictors of sexual victimization during emerging adulthood. Poster to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver.

*Sweas, L*., Reese-Weber, M., Herrmann, D., Ray, AFaigao, D., Braithwaite, J., & Nemecek, R. (March 2008). Conflict strategies and levels of intimacy in short- moderate-, and long-term romantic relationships. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago. 

Reese-Weber, M., *Barnes, K.*, & Losoff, L. (March 2007). Predicting dating aggression: Variations by gender. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Boston.

Reese-Weber, M., *Murphy, M*., Glaser, T., *Hammond, J*., Jesse, J.Malczyk T.Minch, D., *Stagg J*., & Sweas L. (March 2006). Attitudes of sibling and dating violence in adolescence. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco.

 Reese-Weber, M., *Stagg J*., Sweas L., *Murphy, M*., Minch, D., Malczyk T., Jesse, J., *Hammond, J*., &Glaser, T. (March 2006). Attitudes of dating violence as a function of gender and dating experience.Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco.

Reese-Weber, M., Powell, T.Tietje, C. (April, 2003). Predicting conflict behaviors in late adolescents’ romantic relationships: The role of family structure. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa, FL.

Jarvis, P., Reese-Weber, M., Creasey, G., & Powell, T. (2002, April). A panel discussion on integrating technology into the teaching of adolescent development. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans.

*Clawson, C.,* & Reese-Weber, M. (2001, April). Timing of parent-adolescent sexual communication: Associations with age of first intercourse and pregnancies. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis.

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