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Pooja KR

Ph.D. Candidate, Biological Sciences
M.S. in Biotechnology, 2018

Project Summary:

I am interested in understanding the role of the innate immune system and the underlying mechanisms  in tumor metastasis. Specifically, my project is focused on the role of an infection-induced innate immune response in tumour burden using a Drosophila melanogaster model of tumour metastasis. I am also interested in exploring the role of long non-coding RNAs in Drosophila melanogaster immunity. My current work will shed more light on the molecular mechanisms and genetic basis employed by the identified long non-coding RNA in immune regulation.


Awards and Honors:

  • Grants in Aid of research program (GIAR) recipient, Sigma Xi, 2019
  • ComSciCon Science Writing workshop recipient, 2019
  • 1st place Poster Presentation, 19th Annual Phi Sigma Research Symposium, 2018
  • M.S. in Biotechnology, Illinois State University, 2018
  • R. D. Weigel Research Grant Recipient, 2017
  • Rilett Omar Scholarship Travel Grant awarded to attend the Midwest Drosophila Conference, 2017



  • Pooja KR and N.T. Mortimer. 2019. Role of the pathogen-induced immune response in tumour metastasis. Oral presentation, Autumn Immunology Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Pooja KR. 2019. Role of the pathogen-induced immune response in tumour metastasis. Oral presentation, Integrative Biology Seminar series, Illinois State University.
  • Pooja KR, Brooklynne Thielen, Xavier Hernandez and N.T. Mortimer. 2018. Genetic Analysis of a Drosophila Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Model Reveals Lupus Susceptibility Genes. Midwest Drosophila Conference, Monticello, IL.
  • Pooja KR, Brooklynne Thielen, Xavier Hernandez and N.T. Mortimer. 2018. Genetic Analysis of a Drosophila Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Model Reveals Lupus Susceptibility Genes. American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Pooja KR. 2018. Identification and analysis of JAK-STAT pathway genes in Drosophila immunity. Oral presentation, Biology seminar series, IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria.
  • Pooja KR and N.T. Mortimer. 2018. Identification and analysis of JAK-STAT pathway regulator genes in Drosophila immunity. Phi Sigma Research Symposium, Illinois State University.
  • Pooja KR and N.T. Mortimer. 2017. Identification and analysis of JAK-STAT pathway regulator genes in Drosophila immunity. Midwest Drosophila Conference, Monticello, IL.
  • Ashley L. Waring and Pooja KR. 2017. Partners in Crime: the legacy of JAK-STAT and calcium. Oral presentation, Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar Series, Illinois State University.
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