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Principal Investigator

Dr. Rosangela Follmann

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

School of Information Technology

Illinois State University

Email: rfollma at ilstu dot edu

Office: Williams Hall 17G

Current Students

Twinkle Jaswal. Twinkle is an undergraduate student in CS program. She is investigating the effects of temperature on network synchronization.

Nathan Whitney. Nathan is an undergraduate student in the CS program. His research focuses on developing high performance computing application for neuroscience.

George Jacob. George is a graduate student in the MSCS program. His research focuses on developing a biophysical model to study seizures.

Cassie Magginis. Cassie is an ISU undergraduate honors student co-advise with Prof. Epa Rosa. She has been working on project related to improve reservoir computing performance.

Former Students

Jack Luu. Jack was a graduate student in MSIS program. He investigated the effects of COVID-19 on people’s sentiment. He is now a PhD student at Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati.

Zach Mobille. Zach was a graduate student in the Biomath program co-advised with Prof. Epa Rosa. He worked on a computational model aimed at mimicking the response of C. elegans to temperature. He is now a PhD student at Georgia Tech.

Gangadhar Katuri. Gangadhar was a graduate student in the MSCS program. His research focused on developing tools to detect synchronization in EEG data. He is now a machine learning engineer at Thielsch Engineering 

Sahan Yalavarthi. Sahan was a high school student part of SPARK research program. He studied the predictability of Brucellosis data using machine learning. He is now a computer science major at UIUC.

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