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Courses Taught

BSC 196 Biological Diversity

Fall 2024 — Course will be taught be Drs. Bowden & delBarco-Trillo

BSC 295 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

In this lecture/lab course students are introduced to the functional morphology of vertebrates using an evolutionary perspective to explore how and why differences in vertebrate anatomy arose.

BSC 311 Rain Forest Ecology

Fall 2024 — Course will be taught by Drs. Bowden & Sadd

Students participate in a semester-long seminar and in a 10-day field experience at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica.

BSC 325 Ecological Physiology of Animals

In this lecture course students explore the physiological adaptations that animals have undergone in response to environmental heterogeneity and is open to both graduate and undergraduate students.

BSC 420 Seminar in Ecology

Course content varies based upon student interests.​

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