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2004 Science and Technology Week

Science and Technology Week celebrates advancements in the field of science and technology, as well as the hardworking, dedicated students and professionals who make those advancements possible. Past keynote speakers include television personality Bill Nye, theoretical physicist Brian Greene and more. Science and Technology Week presentations are free and open to the public.

Schedule of Events, April 19-23, 2004

Creating Sustainable Communities

Details: Monday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. – Old Main Room, Bone Student Center

Speaker: Karen Walz, American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), Executive Director of the Dallas Plan

By creating communities that are more sustainable, we can reduce impact on the natural environment while we make places that enjoy economic vitality and high quality of life. Join us to learn what’s working in communities around the country and what we can do in our own communities.

Co-sponsored by the Student Environmental Health Association.

A Conversation with Brian Greene

A conversation with Brian Greene on creativity in the scientific enterprise. Suitable for all majors. A presentation followed by Q & A from the audience.

Science and Technology Keynote Address – The Elegant Universe by Dr. Brian Greene

Dr. Brian Greene, is one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists. The media have named him the new Carl Sagan for his ability to brilliantly communicate cutting-edge scientific concepts to the public. He is a best selling author, a Columbia University professor known for a number of groundbreaking discoveries, and a riveting public speaker. With artful metaphors and often humorous analogies, Greene succeeds in making the most sophisticated concepts in physics and cosmology accessible and entertaining to a general audience.

“We’re talking about the biggest questions of all time,” says Greene. “Why is there a universe? What is space? What is time? How is it all put together? You don’t have to be a physicist to find this stuff fascinating.” In his national bestseller, The Elegant Universe (a Pulitzer finalist and winner of the Aventis Prize, Britain’s top science book award), Greene recounts how the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics transformed our understanding of the universe, and he introduced us to string theory, a concept that might be the key to a unified theory of the universe.

Co-sponsored by the Fell Foundation Trust, Milner Library, and the ISU Credit Union.

Domestic Violence – Its Impact on the Workplace.

Ms. Kim Wells, Executive Director of the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence (CAEPV).

The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence (CAEPV) is a leading force in the fight against domestic violence. The Alliance is the only national organization of its kind founded by business leaders and focused on the workplace. With corporate members and affiliates, CAEPV reaches over a million employees across the nation and includes among its members several Illinois Companies including Archer Daniels Midland, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, and State Farm Insurance Companies.

Ms. Wells serves on the Workplace Committee of the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women. She also serves on the Governor’s Commission of the Status of Women in Illinois Violence Reduction Working Group, and she chairs the Promotion Committee for the State of Illinois as it develops and distributes a statewide model policy for partner violence and sexual assault and the workplace.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Robotics, Their Future Impacts on Society

Mr. Curtis Thomas, Account Executive, Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) (BS ‘91, TEC) will be addressing the role robots play in manufacturing operations, as well as some of the “non-traditional” tasks robots are programmed to complete. For example, did you know robots are used to help make candy bars and pies? Trends in robotics technology as well as anticipated changes in the role of the robot in the workplace will be included in the presentation.

ABB is the world’s leading manufacturer of industrial robots with more than 100,000 robots installed. ABB robots are used throughout the world for spot welding, arc welding, machine tending, material handling, deburring, picking, packing, palletizing, and assembly.

Co-sponsored by the Department of Technology.

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